lash1 | vt 1. beat (so., st) with a whip, menyebat, mencambuk: he ~ed the horse across its back, dia menyebat belakang kuda itu; 2. move forcefully, frequently, melibaskan: the lion ~ed its tail angrily, singa itu melibaskan ekornya dgn marah; 3. often ~ against, ~ at, beat, hit violently, menghempas-hempas, memukul-mukul: the waves ~ed the rocks, ombak menghempas-hempas batu; the rain was ~ing against the window, hujan sedang menghempas-hempas daun jendela; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flog | vt 1. beat severely, (with whip) menyebat, menyesah, melibas, membelasah; (with stick) membantai, membalun, membelasah: I’ll ~ the laziness out of him, saya akan menyebatnya supaya dia tdk malas lagi; ~ a dead horse, (colloq) mencari jejak dlm air; ~ st to death, (colloq) mengulangi sst berkali-kali sehingga + approp adj: he’d already ~ged the joke to death so nobody smiled, dia telah mengulangi jenaka itu berkali-kali sehingga tdk seorang pun yg senyum; ~ os to death, bekerja bermati-matian, bertungkus-lumus; 2. (UK), (colloq) sell, menjual: I had to ~ my car to pay your fine, saya terpaksa menjual kereta saya utk membayar denda kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lashing | n 1. whipping, beating, sebat(an); give so. a ~, menyebat sso; get a ~, disebat, kena sebat; 2. scolding, sumpah seranah; ,b>give so. a. (tongue-) ~, menyeranah sso: Judy gave him a tongue- ~ when he got home, Judy menyeranahnya apabila dia balik ke rumah; 3. (in pl), (colloq) lavish quantity, bertimbun-timbun, berlambak-lambak: they ate their strawberries with ~s of cream, mereka makan strawberi dgn krim yg berlambak-lambak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flay | vt 1. strip the skin from, menguliti: to ~ an ox, menguliti lembu; 2. whip violently, menyebat; 3. criticize severely, mengecam, membidas: the book was ~ed by the critics, buku itu dikecam oleh pengkritik-pengkritik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beat | vt 1. strike (repeatedly) a. (gen) memukul(i): she ~ the carpet vigorously, dia memukuli permaidani itu dgn kuat; b. (drum) memukul, memalu; c. (with hammer) mengetuk(-ngetuk); (when shaping metal into st) menempa, menitik; 2. inflict blows on, a. (gen) memukul: he ~s the children when they are naughty, dia memukul anak-anaknya apabila mereka nakal; the neighbours claim that he often ~s his wife, jiran-jirannya mengatakan bahawa dia sering memukul isterinya; b. (violently) memukul(i), membelasah, menghentam: to ~ so. black and blue, memukuli sso hingga lebam-lebam; the animal was ~en to death, binatang itu dipukuli hingga mati; c. (with stick, pole, etc) memukul, memalu, menggodam, membalun; d. (with a cane) merotan, menyebat, menyesah, melibas, melecut, mengembat, membelasah; e. (with a belt, strap, etc) memukul, menyebat, melibas, menyesah; 3. whip (eggs etc) memukul; 4. flap (wings) mengibar-ngibarkan, mengibas-ngibaskan, memegas, mengepak-ngepakkan, mengirapkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
belt | vt 1. fasten with belt, memasang tali pinggang: she ~ed her raincoat, dia memasang tali pinggang baju hujannya; 2. thrash with a belt, /membelasah, menyebat, menyesah/ dgn tali pinggang; 3. strike hard esp with fist, (colloq) menumbuk: he ~ed his opponent hard, dia menumbuk lawannya kuat-kuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lash1 | n 1. a stroke with a whip etc, sebat(an): he received twenty ~es as punishment, dia menerima dua puluh kali sebat sbg hukuman; give so. a ~, menyebat sso; 2. strip of leather etc at the end of whip, tali sebat, cemeti, cambuk; 3. a sudden forceful movement, libas(an): a crocodile can kill with one ~ of its tail, buaya boleh membunuh dgn hanya sekali libasan ekornya; 4. hurtful blow to the feelings, ketajaman: there was no escaping the ~ of her tongue, kita tdk dapat lari drpd ketajaman lidahnya; 5. eyelash, bulu mata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hit | vi 1. strike, a. (gen) memukul; b. (with fist) menumbuk: he ~ right and left against his assailants, dia menumbuk ke kiri dan ke kanan ke arah penyerang-penyerangnya; c. (with open hand) menampar; d. (with hammer) mengetuk, memukul; e. (with whip) menyebat; 2. reach target, mengenai sasaran: he shot three times but ~ only once, dia menembak tiga kali tetapi hanya satu yg mengenai sasaran; 3. arrive with damaging effect, menimpa; (of storm, typhoon, etc) melanda: when trouble ~s, apabila kesusahan menimpa; take precautions before the hurricane ~s, berjaga-jaga sebelum badai melanda; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hit | vt 1. strike, a. (gen) memukul: she ~ the man with a vase, dia memukul lelaki itu dgn pasu bunga; he ~ the dog with a stick, dia memukul anjing itu dgn sebatang kayu; b. (with fist) menumbuk: the boxer ~ his opponent, petinju itu menumbuk lawannya; c. (with open hand) menampar; d. (with hammer) mengetuk, memukul; e. (with whip) menyebat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |