across | prep 1. (rel to motion) from side to side of, a. (road, bridge, etc) menyeberangi, melintasi: to run ~ the road, berlari menyeberangi jalan; b. (body of water) menyeberangi: to swim ~ the channel, berenang menyeberangi selat; c. (extensive stretch of land), (by air) menyeberangi, melintasi; (by land) merentasi, menyeberangi, melintasi: we flew ~ the desert to Egypt, kami terbang ke Mesir menyeberangi padang pasir; d. (field, room, courtyard, etc) melintasi: a dog darted ~ the lawn, seekor anjing meluru berlari melintasi padang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bridge1 | n 1. structure a. (over river, canal, road, etc) jambatan; b. (over small stream, drain, etc) titi(an): a plank is used as a ~ over the stream, sekeping papan digunakan sbg titi utk menyeberangi anak sungai itu; 2. connecting agent, link, perantara, penghubung, jambatan: he served as a ~ between the government and the people, beliau merupakan penghubung antara kerajaan dgn rakyat; 3. bridge of the nose, batang hidung; 4. (of stringed instruments) kekuda: the ~ of a violin, kekuda biola; 5. (naut), /anjung-anjung, anjungan/ (kapal); 6. see BRIDGE PASSAGE; 7. (dentistry) jambatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elope | vi 1. run away (with a lover) lari (bersama kekasih): the lovers ~d across the border, pasangan kekasih itu lari menyeberangi sempadan; 2. marry by elopement, kahwin lari: do you know your mother and I ~d?, tahukah kamu bahawa emak dan ayah kahwin lari?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carry | vt 1. bear, bring, a. (gen) membawa: refugees ~ing their belongings across the border, pelarian yg membawa barang-barang kepunyaan mereka menyeberangi sempadan; soldiers usually ~ guns, anggota tentera biasanya membawa senapang; his determination carried him right to the top, azamnya membawanya ke mercu kerjayanya; b. (supplies, goods, etc by some means of transport) mengangkut: to ~ goods to the port, mengangkut barang-barang ke pelabuhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jump | vi 1. leap, melompat, meloncat: the cat ~ed onto the table, kucing itu melompat ke atas meja; she ~ed across the stream, dia melompat menyeberangi sungai; he ~ed on his horse and rode away, dia melompat ke atas kudanya lalu pergi; the fish ~ed out of the water, ikan itu melompat keluar dr air; to ~ with joy, melompat-lompat keriangan; 2. leap from a very high place or into a large body of water, terjun: he ~ed from the third floor and miraculously survived, dia terjun dr tingkat tiga dan yg menakjubkan, dia selamat; they ~ed into the muddy river and swam across to the mainland, mereka terjun ke dlm sungai yg berlumpur itu dan berenang ke tanah besar; 3. move hastily (into, out of, etc) bergegas, melompat: at the sound of the alarm, he ~ed out of bed, apabila jam gerak berdering, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fire | vi 1. a. (of explosive etc) meledak: damp gunpowder will not ~, serbuk bedil yg lembap tdk akan meledak; b. (of engine) membakar: the cylinders are not firing properly, silinder-silinder itu tdk membakar dgn baik; 2. shoot, menembak: don’t ~ until they have crossed the stream, jangan tembak sebelum mereka menyeberangi sungai itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |