deliver | vt 1. distribute (letters, groceries, etc) menghantar: to ~ parcels for a department store, menghantar bungkusan utk sebuah gedung serbanika; 2. rescue, liberate, menyelamatkan, membebaskan: to ~ so. from captivity, menyelamatkan sso drpd tawanan; 3. present, menyampaikan, memberikan: to ~ a speech, menyampaikan ucapan; 4. hand over, surrender, often ~ /up, over/, menyerahkan: they were made to ~ over their revolvers, mereka dipaksa menyerahkan pistol mereka; to ~ up a village to the enemy, menyerahkan kampung kpd pihak musuh; 5. send forth, a. (ball) membaling, menghantar; b. (blow etc) memberikan: to ~ a series of punches, memberikan tumbukan yg bertubi-tubi; 6. help in the birth of, menyambut: to ~ a baby, menyambut bayi yg baru lahir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clutch 1 | ~ at, mencekau, mencengkau: she ~ed at the branch to save herself, dia mencekau dahan pokok itu utk menyelamatkan dirinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delivery | n 1. act of, a. (distributing letters, groceries, etc) penghantaran, penyerahan; (attrib) serahan, penyerahan: prompt ~, penyerahan segera; the first ~ is at 9 o’clock, penghantaran pertama ialah pd pukul 9; ~ service, perkhidmatan serahan; ~ note, nota serahan; ~ order, arahan penyerahan; accept ~ of st, menerima sst; on ~, waktu terima: payable on ~, dibayar waktu terima; take ~ of, menerima; b. (giving birth) bersalin: she had a difficult ~, dia susah bersalin; c. (rescuing, liberating) menyelamatkan, pembebasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cost | n 1. price, charge, harga: the ~ of each book, harga setiap buku; 2. outlay, expense, kos: ~ of production, kos pengeluaran; fixed ~, kos tetap; labour ~s, kos buruh; marginal ~, kos marginal; 3. (in pl), (leg.) kos: the plaintiff was awarded ~s, plaintif itu dibayar kos; 4. sacrifice, pengorbanan: the ~ in human lives and suffering was great, pengorbanan dr segi jiwa dan penderitaan adalah besar; at the ~ of, sehingga mengorbankan: he saved his friend from the gallows at the ~ of his own life, dia menyelamatkan sahabatnya drpd tali gantung sehingga mengorbankan nyawanya sendiri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anticipation | n 1. expectation (esp pleasurable) penuh harapan: we look forward with ~ to his new book, kami menanti-nanti buku barunya dgn penuh harapan; a look of ~, pandangan yg penuh harapan; 2. intuition, premonition, gerak hati, firasat; 3. the use of funds before it is due, penggunaan [n] sebelum /memperolehnya, mendapatnya/: the ~ of income, penggunaan pendapatan sebelum memperolehnya; 4. act of foreseeing and satisfying beforehand, /menduga, menjangka/ dan memenuhi: the ~ of so’s wishes, menduga dan memenuhi kehendak sso; 5. prior action that thwarts etc the action of another, tindakan awal: the government’s ~ of the disturbances, saved many lives, tindakan awal kerajaan thdp kekacauan itu telah dapat menyelamatkan beberapa banyak nyawa; 6. (mus) dahuluan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | adj 1. the utmost, [various translations]: with ~ haste, (dgn) secepat mungkin or (dgn) secepat-cepatnya; with ~ (possible) care, dgn secermat-cermatnya or (dgn) secermat mungkin; in ~ earnestness I beg you to flee, dgn sesungguh-sungguhnya saya memohon agar tuan menyelamatkan diri; 2. (usu in negative contexts) any, whatever, segala, semua: he dislikes artificiality in ~ forms, dia tdk suka akan segala bentuk kepura-puraan; to deny ~ responsibility, menolak segala tanggungjawab; beyond ~ doubt, tdk dapat /diragu, disangsikan/ lagi; beyond ~ expectation(s) di luar segala /jangkaan, dugaan/; 3. (as intensifier), [not translated]: the greatest empire in ~ history, empayar yg terbesar dlm sejarah; the most evil regime in ~ the world, rejim yg paling jahat di dunia; adj & pron 1. the whole amount, number (of), every one (of) | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |