brand | vt 1. burn with a brand, menyelar: to ~ cattle, menyelar lembu; 2. label with trademark, membubuh (+ approp n) pd, membubuhi (+ approp n): the boxes were ~ed with the manufacturer’s name, kotak-kotak itu dibubuhi nama pembuatnya or nama pembuat dibubuh pd kotak-kotak itu; 3. impress indelibly in the memory, (act.) menanam; (pass.) tertanam: the scene of the murder was ~ed in his mind, kejadian pembunuhan itu tertanam dlm fikirannya; 4. stigmatize, mengecap: they ~ed him a traitor, mereka mengecapnya sbg pengkhianat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
castigate | vt berate, mengecam, menyelar: to ~ corruption, mengecam rasuah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lash 1 | 4. attack verbally, ridicule, mengecam, menyelar: the art exhibition was ~ed by the critics, pameran seni itu telah dikecam oleh para pengkritik; 5. incite, merangsang: the speaker ~ed the crowd into a frenzy, pemidato itu merangsang orang ramai sehingga semangat mereka meluap-luap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hatchet job | n selaran; do a ~ on /so., st/, menyelar /sso, sst/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fulminate | vi (fml); ~ against, (protest strongly against) membantah keras; (criticize angrily) mengecam, membidas, menyelar: he ~d against public apathy over the city’s cleanliness, dia mengecam sikap tdk ambil kisah orang ramai thdp kebersihan bandar itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
damn | vt 1. doomed to hell, melaknat, mengutuk: but he that believeth not shall be ~ed, tetapi barang siapa yg tdk percaya akan Tuhan akan dilaknat; 2. condemn, mengecam hebat, menyelar: the play was ~ed by the critics, drama itu telah dikecam hebat oleh para pengkritik; to ~ a person’s character, mengecam hebat perangai sso; 3. curse, menyumpah, menyeranah: he ~ed the dog for getting in the way, dia menyumpah anjing itu krn menghalang jalannya; ~ so., /sial, celaka, jahanam/ /betul, sungguh/ sso: ~ him, he ought to be more careful, sial sungguh dia, sepatutnya berhati-hatilah sedikit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lash 1 | ~ out, a. strike violently, menyerang: he ~ed out with both his fists, dia menyerang dgn kedua-dua penumbuknya; b. (of horse) kick out, menendang: the horse, which had been standing still, suddenly ~ed out at him, kuda yg berdiri tegak itu tiba-tiba menendangnya; c. make verbal attack, mengecam, menyelar: he ~ed out at his critics, dia menyelar pihak yg mengkritiknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blister | vt 1. raise a blister on skin, a. (by burning) melepuhkan, melecurkan, menyebabkan [sst] /melepuh, melecur/; b. (by rubbing, abrading) melecetkan, melecupkan; 2. raise a blister on painted surface etc, menyebabkan bergelembung-gelembung, melepuhkan: the fire had ~ed the paintwork, api telah menyebabkan permukaan yg bercat itu bergelembung-gelembung; 3. attack harshly, menyelar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |