burrow | vi 1. dig, make hole in ground, /membuat, mengorek/ lubang: rabbits ~ing under the fence, arnab-arnab yg membuat lubang di bawah pagar; 2. search as if by digging, menyeluk: she ~ed into her handbag for her lipstick, dia menyeluk beg tangannya utk mencari gincu; 3. press, menyembamkan: her face ~ed closer to my back, dia menyembamkan mukanya ke belakang saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dive | ~ into, a. see vi (sense 1.); b. move quickly into (st) menyelinap ke dlm: the rabbit ~d into its hole, arnab itu menyelinap ke dlm lubangnya; c. plunge hand quickly into (st), menyeluk pantas: I ~d into my pocket for some change, saya menyeluk pantas saku saya utk mengambil wang kecil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dip | vi 1. slope down, menurun: the land ~s to the south, tanah itu menurun ke arah selatan; 2. descend sharply, menjunam: the eagle ~ped and swooped on its prey, burung helang itu menjunam dan menyambar mangsanya; 3. decline, jatuh, turun: prices ~ped because of reduced taxes, harga turun disebabkan pengurangan cukai; 4. sink, terbenam: the sun ~s below the horizon, matahari terbenam di ufuk barat; 5. (geol) condong: sedimentary rocks ~ping eastwards, batu mendak yg condong ke arah timur; 6. plunge (into st) to take st out, menyeluk: he ~ped into his pocket for the key, dia menyeluk sakunya utk mengambil kunci; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |