vet | vt 1. appraise, menyemak: the teacher ~ted my essay beforehand, guru itu menyemak esei saya terlebih dahulu; 2. screen, memeriksa: the applicants for the job were ~ted carefully, pemohon-pemohon pekerjaan itu diperiksa dgn teliti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
revise | vt 1. read over to improve, menyemak: the manuscript has been ~d before publication, manuskrip itu telah disemak sebelum diterbitkan; 2. (UK) look (at st) again to improve knowledge, mengulang kaji: the students are revising their lessons for the exam, penuntut-penuntut itu sedang mengulang kaji pelajaran mereka utk peperiksaan; 3. change, mengubah; (price, figures, etc) menyemak, mengubah: the results forced him to ~ his opinion, keputusan itu memaksanya mengubah pendapatnya; the builders have now decided to ~ their estimates, pembina itu sekarang mengambil keputusan utk mengubah anggaran mereka; 4. make a new, improved etc version of, menyemak: the dictionary was extensively ~d, kamus itu telah disemak dgn terperinci; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
check | vi 1. stop, pause, tiba-tiba berhenti: unable to climb the hill, he ~ed and waited for help, krn tdk dapat mendaki bukit itu dia tiba-tiba berhenti dan menunggu bantuan; 2. test (for accuracy etc) menyemak: he ~ed to see if his answers were correct, dia menyemak utk mengetahui sama ada jawapannya betul atau salah; 3. inspect, memeriksa: he ~ed to make sure he had his keys, dia memeriksa utk memastikan bahawa kuncinya ada; 4. tally, sama, serupa: his description ~s with mine, gambaran yg diberikannya sama dgn gambaran yg saya berikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
revision | n 1. (act of) reading over, penyemakan, menyemak: this books needs ~, buku ini perlu disemak; 2. the work of studying again, ulang kaji; do ~, mengulang kaji; 3. corrected, new edition, edisi semakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
check | vt 1. stop movement of, menahan, menyekat: the enemy’s advance has been ~ed, kemaraan pihak musuh telah disekat; 2. control, mengawal; (tears) menahan: to ~ inflation, mengawal inflasi; she was not able to ~ her tears, dia tdk dapat menahan air matanya; 3. test for accuracy etc, menyemak: to ~ my answer against his, menyemak jawapan saya berdasarkan jawapannya; 4. inspect, examine, memeriksa: the doctor ~ed his blood pressure, doktor memeriksa tekanan darahnya; the official ~ed all the weights, pegawai itu memeriksa semua anak dacing; 5. reduce, mengurangkan: he ~ed his speed when he saw the police car, dia mengurangkan kelajuannya apabila terlihat kereta polis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
religiously | adv 1. conscientiously, dgn cermat: I always check the accounts ~, saya selalu menyemak akaun dgn cermat; 2. regularly, spt biasa: ~ every morning he takes the dog for a walk, setiap pagi spt biasa, dia membawa anjing itu berjalan-jalan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |