in | b. committed to take part in, akan /menyertai, mengambil bahagian dlm, ikut serta dlm/: Thailand is ~ for the 1,000 metres, negeri Thai akan menyertai perlumbaan 1,000 meter; /be, get/ ~ on, (colloq) bersama-sama dlm: they were ~ on the scheme from the beginning, mereka bersama-sama dlm rancangan itu sejak mula lagi; be (well) ~ with, (colloq) buat baik: he’s ~ with all the big wigs in the company, dia buat baik dgn semua orang besar syarikat itu; have it ~ for so., (colloq) dendam pd sso: he has it ~ for the new clerk, dia dendam pd erani baru itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attendant | adj 1. n attendance, merawat: the ~ physician, pakar perubatan yg merawat; 2. accompanying, menyertai: the problems ~ on adolescence, masalah yg menyertai keremajaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attend | vt 1. be present at, menghadiri, hadir di; (classes, lectures) mengikuti, menghadiri: to ~ a seminar, menghadiri seminar; his lectures were well ~ed, banyak orang yg mengikuti kuliahnya; 2. go to, pergi ke, ke: my brother will not be ~ing school today, adik saya tdk akan pergi ke sekolah hari ini; to ~ church, pergi ke gereja; 3. study at, belajar di: she ~ed a boarding school, dia belajar di sekolah berasrama; 4. look after, menjaga; (by doctor, nurse, etc) merawat: to ~ the poor, menjaga orang-orang miskin; he was ~ed by an experienced doctor, dia dirawat oleh seorang doktor yg berpengalaman; 5. accompany, menyertai: success at last ~ed our efforts, kejayaan akhirnya menyertai usaha kami; 6. escort, accompany, mengiringi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
induce | vt 1. (persuade) memujuk; (cause, make) membuat, menyebabkan: they tried to ~ him to join them, mereka mencuba memujuknya supaya menyertai kumpulan mereka; what ~d you to do such a thing?, apa yg menyebabkan kamu berbuat begitu?; these considerations ~ me to believe that..., pertimbangan-pertimbangan ini membuat saya percaya bahawa...; 2. bring about or on (particular state) membuat, menyebabkan; (illness, drowsiness, etc) menyebabkan, membuat: the doctor gave him a pill to ~ sleep, doktor memberinya ubat utk membuatnya tidur; illness ~d by lack of sleep and overwork, penyakit yg disebabkan oleh kurang tidur dan bekerja terlalu kuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
banner | n 1. flag, panji-panji: they marched with ~s flying, mereka berarak dgn panji-panji berkibar; /join, follow/the ~ of, (fig.) menyertai perjuangan; under the ~ of, (fig.) di bawah /bendera, panji-panji/, atas nama: under the ~ of freedom, di bawah bendera kebebasan; 2. large cloth bearing slogan, sepanduk; 3. also banner headline, tajuk besar berita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indisposed | adj (fml) 1. unwell, kurang sihat: she is ~ today, dia kurang sihat hari ini; 2. disinclined, keberatan: he was ~ to join us, dia keberatan menyertai kami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accompanying | adj 1. going or coming with, mengiring(i), pengiring: the President with her ~ entourage, Presiden dgn rombongan pengiringnya; 2. that is put with, disertakan, dilampirkan: the position of the mine is marked on the ~ map, kedudukan lombong itu ditandakan pd peta yg disertakan; 3. attending, mengiringi, menyertai: poverty with all its ~ ills, kemiskinan dgn segala keburukan yg mengiringinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fun | n 1. amusement, gaiety, keseronokan, seronok: the holiday was great ~ for us all, percutian itu ialah satu keseronokan bagi kami semua; there’s no ~ in going on your own, tdk seronok pergi sendirian; we had such ~ at the carnival, kami seronok betul di pesta itu; get some ~, mendapat keseronokan, seronok: they should get some fun out of the trip, mereka harus seronok menyertai rombongan itu; be full of ~, (of person) seronok bersama sso: the children love him because he is full of ~, budak-budak menyukainya krn mereka seronok bersamanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clearance | n 1. removal of old buildings, trees, etc from an area, pemugaran: slum ~, pemugaran kawasan sesak; land ~, pemugaran tanah; 2. act of, a. (tidying up) mengemaskan; b. (clearing up) membersihkan; c. (passing cheque from one bank to another through a clearing-house) penjelasan; 3. official permission, kebenaran; (for ship, aircraft to enter or leave etc) kebenaran (utk + approp v); (for cargo, goods to be taken out, etc) pelepasan: journalists had to get the CO’s ~ before joinning the patrol, para wartawan mestilah mendapat kebenaran CO sebelum menyertai rondaan; the aeroplane got ~ from the control tower, kapal terbang itu mendapat kebenaran utk berlepas drpd menara kawalan; he could not get a customs ~ for the goods without paying extra duty, dia tdk dapat memperoleh pelepasan kastam bagi barang-barang itu kecuali dgn membayar duti tambahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attach | ~ to, come to, [not translated]: no blame ~es to him, dia tdk dapat dipersalahkan; ~ os to, a. join os to (so.) menempel dekat (sso); (of animal) mengekori: a gossipy woman ~ed herself to me throughout the dinnner party, seorang perempuan yg suka mengumpat menempel dekat saya sepanjang jamuan makan malam itu; a stray cat ~ed itself to me as I was walking home, seekor kucing jalang mengekori saya semasa saya berjalan pulang; b. join os to, associate os with (st) menyertai: to ~ os to a travelling theatre, menyertai kumpulan teater bergerak; c. fasten os to, melekat: the barnacles that ~ themselves to ships’ bottoms, teritip yg melekat pd bahagian bawah kapal; ~ st to, a. see (sense 1.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |