deviant | adj 1. (of behaviour) melencong, menyimpang; 2. (of person) tingkah lakunya /melencong, menyimpang/: ~ sects, sekta yg tingkah lakunya melencong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
divergent | adj 1. separating into different directions, (men)capah: ~ lines, garisan-garisan capah; 2. deviating, (lit. & fig.) menyimpang: ~ behaviour, tingkah laku yg menyimpang; 3. different, berbeza: ~ ideas on morality, idea-idea yg berbeza ttg kemoralan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
diverge | vi 1. go out in different directions, mencapah: the rays ~ and spread, sinar mencapah dan tersebar; 2. differ, berbeza, berlainan: our views ~ greatly, pendapat kami berbeza sekali; 3. deviate (lit. & fig.) menyimpang: to ~ from the beaten track, menyimpang dr jalan yg selalu digunakan; he was careful not to ~ from the truth, dia berhati-hati supaya tdk menyimpang dr kebenaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
depart | vi 1. leave, a. (of person) berlepas, bertolak, berangkat; (of royalty) berangkat: we will ~ for Korea tomorrow, kami akan berlepas ke Korea esok; b. (of means of transport) bertolak, berlepas; (of aeroplane) berlepas: the train ~s at ten, kereta api itu akan bertolak pd pukul sepuluh; 2. deviate, menyimpang: to ~ from tradition, menyimpang drpd tradisi; to ~ from o’s previous intentions, menyimpang drpd tujuan asal sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
habit | n 1. particular way of behaving, tabiat: he has a ~ of biting his nails, dia mempunyai tabiat suka menggigit kukunya; 2. accustomed practice, kebiasaan: contrary to his usual ~, he drove his car to work that day, menyimpang drpd kebiasaannya selama ini, dia memandu keretanya ke tempat kerja pd hari itu; 3. (bot & zool) tabiat: plants with climbing ~s, tumbuh-tumbuhan yg tabiatnya memanjat; 4. (psychol) tabiat, kebiasaan; 5. usu ~ of mind, sikap pemikiran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irregularity | n 1. state, quality of being uneven, a. (in size, shape) tdk /sama, sekata/; (tech) ketaksekataan; b. (of hemline ), (keadaan) /tinggi rendah, tdk sama/; c. (of coastline), (keadaan) bengkang-bengkok; d. (of facial features, face), (keadaan) /herot, tdk simetri/; e. (of surface), (keadaan) tdk rata, tdk ratanya; f. (of teeth), (keadaan) tdk teratur, tdk teraturnya; 2. state, quality of being uneven in duration, continuity, order, tdk tetap: the~ of his heartbeat, degupan jantungnya yg tdk tetap; 3. state, quality of being, a. (not in accordance with the law) luar aturan; b. (not in accordance with accepted habits, norms, etc) menyimpang drpd kebiasaan; 4. st that is not in accordance with the rules, accepted habits, norms, etc, perkara yg tdk kena: there are several irregularities in the document, terdapat beberapa perkara yg tdk kena dlm dokumen itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |