interrogate | vt 1. question formally and thoroughly, usu for a long time, menyoal siasat, memisit: the police are interrogating the suspect, polis sedang menyoal siasat orang yg disyaki; 2. question closely, banyak menyoal: don’t start interrogating him when he gets home, jangan pula banyak menyoalnya apabila dia pulang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interrogation | n 1. formal and thorough questioning, soal siasat, pemisitan, menyoal siasat: the ~ of the suspect lasted for hours, yg disyaki disoal siasat berjam-jam lamanya; the accused broke down under ~, yg tertuduh tdk dapat menguasai perasaan semasa soal siasat; 2. instance of this, soal siasat, pisitan, menyoal siasat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inquisition | n 1. official investigation, penyiasatan; 2. (derog) enquiry, esp one that shows little regard for the rights of the individual, soal siasat, menyoal siasat: we were subjected to an ~ by the Customs, kami disoal siasat oleh pihak Kastam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extort | vt 1. obtain (money) by intimidation, violence, etc, memeras: he ~s money from his victims, dia memeras wang drpd mangsa-mangsanya; 2. extract, memaksa [sso]: after five hours of interrogation the police finally managed to ~ a confession from him, setelah lima jam menyoal siasat, polis dapat memaksanya supaya mengaku bersalah; to ~ promises, memaksa sso membuat janji. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |