grease | ~ so’s palm, (colloq), /menyogok, menyuap/ sso: he had to ~ several palms to get the job, dia terpaksa menyogok beberapa orang utk mendapatkan pekerjaan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bribe | vt 1. give bribe to (to induce dishonest act) memberi rasuah kpd, menyogok, menyuap: they ~d the witness to give false evidence, mereka menyogok saksi itu supaya memberikan keterangan palsu; 2. persuade or influence as if by bribery, mengupah: the child was ~d to take the bitter medicine, budak itu diupah supaya memakan ubat yg pahit itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buy | ~ so. over, menyogok, memberi rasuah kpd sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corrupt | 1. cause to become depraved, merosakkan: unsound moral values have ~ed our youth, nilai-nilai akhlak yg kurang baik telah merosakkan golongan remaja kita; 2. bribe, memberi rasuah kpd, menyogok, menyuap: to ~ the voters, menyogok para pengundi; 3. adulterate, mencemarkan: the language has been ~ed by the introduction of foreign words, bahasa itu telah dicemarkan oleh kemasukan perkataan-perkataan asing. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bribery | n 1. giving of bribe, /pemberian, memberi/ rasuah, penyogokan, menyogok: he got the contract by ~, dia mendapat kontrak itu dgn memberi rasuah; 2. taking of bribe, /penerimaan, menerima/ rasuah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corruption | n /b. depravity, kerosakan akhlak: the ~ among the upper classes, kerosakan akhlak di kalangan kelas atasan; 2. act of bribing, perbuatan memberi /rasuah, sogokan, suapan/; 3. instance of bribing, (amalan) /rasuah, menyogok/: to eradicate ~, menghapuskan amalan rasuah; 4. decomposition, pereputan; 5. adulteration, pencemaran: the ~ of the manuscript by copyists, pencemaran manuskrip oleh penyalin; “critter” is a ~ of “creature”, perkataan “critter” ialah pencemaran drpd perkataan “creature”. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fix | 9. (colloq) illicitly influence, a. (the result of) mengatur: he claimed that the election results have been ~ed, dia mendakwa bahawa keputusan pilihan raya itu telah diatur; b. (the actions of) menyuap, menyogok: I think someone has ~ed the referee, saya rasa ada orang yg telah menyuap pengadil; 10. (colloq) get even with, mengenakan: they really ~ed Mr Chan when they burnt his distillery, mereka betul-betul mengenakan Encik Chan apabila mereka membakar kilang araknya; 11. treat (photographic film etc) with chemicals, mematikan warna; 12. convert into nitrogen compound, mengikat: most leguminous plants can ~ nitrogen in the soil, kebanyakan tumbuhan legum dapat mengikat nitrogen dlm tanah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approach | 3. make overtures to, berjumpa dgn, menemui: to ~ the manager about a raise, berjumpa dgn pengurus ttg hal kenaikan gaji; 4. set about (problem, task, etc) mendekati: to ~ a problem from a new angle, mendekati masalah dr sudut yg baru; 5./b> attempt, a. (to influence) mencuba mempengaruhi: he claimed that he was ~ed by the defendant’s lawyers, dia mendakwa bahawa peguam-peguam pihak yg kena tuntut telah mencuba mempengaruhinya; b. (to bribe) mencuba /menyuap, menyogok/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |