epistolary | adj 1. presented in the form of letters, warkah: an ~ novel, novel warkah; 2. carried on by letters, dijalin melalui surat-menyurat: an ~ love affair, hubungan cinta yg dijalin melalui surat-menyurat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accommodation address | n alamat surat-menyurat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrears, arrearage | n tunggakan: ~ of taxes, tunggakan cukai; ~ of wages, tunggakan gaji; ~ of work, tunggakan kerja; ~ of correspondence, tunggakan surat-menyurat; be in ~, tertunggak: the rent was six months in ~, sewanya tertunggak enam bulan; be in ~ with (st), menunggak (sst): he is two months in ~ with his payments, dia menunggak bayaran ansurannya selama dua bulan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
correspondence | n 1. state of being in harmony, compatibility, kecocokan, secocok: perfect ~ between the music and its lyrics, kecocokan yg sempurna antara muzik dan seni katanya; 2. similarity, persamaan: there is not much ~ between their values and ours, tdk banyak persamaan antara nilai mereka dgn nilai kita; 3. communication by letters, surat-menyurat: official ~, surat-menyurat rasmi; ~ clerk, kerani surat-menyurat; /be in, carry on a, keep up a/ ~ (with so.), /berkirim-kirim(an), berutus-utus/ surat (dgn sso); 4. letters, surat-surat; /learn, teach/ by ~, /belajar, mengajar/ melalui pos. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | 4. recess, waktu rehat; (in a journey) berhenti berehat: the play lasts for three hours with only one ~, lakonan itu tiga jam lamanya dgn sekali saja waktu rehat; during a ~ in the journey, he took photographs of the castle, sewaktu berhenti berehat dlm perjalanan, dia mengambil gambar kastil itu; /coffee, tea/ ~, waktu minum; lunch ~, waktu makan tengah hari; commercial ~, waktu iklan; 5. discontinuation, putusnya, terputus: after a ~ of two years, their correspondence was renewed, sesudah terputus selama dua tahun, perhubungan surat menyurat antara mereka diteruskan semula; 6. rupture in relationship, putusnya (hubungan), terputus: the couple had drifted apart, but the final ~ did not occur until their daughter’s marriage, hubungan pasangan itu memang sudah renggang tetapi hanya terputus sesudah anak perempuan mereka berkahwin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attend | ~ to, a. look after, menjaga: my assistant will ~ to the shop while I go to the bank, pembantu saya akan menjaga kedai semasa saya pergi ke bank; b. give care (esp medical care) to, merawat: you must ~ to the injured first, kamu mesti merawat yg cedera dahulu; c. pay attention to, memberikan perhatian; d. apply os to, mengurus, [otherwise various translation]: can you please ~ to the correspondence?, bolehkah kamu tolong mengurus hal surat-menyurat itu?; to ~ to o’s business, mengurus perniagaan sso; to ~ to o’s health, menjaga kesihatan sso; let’s ~ to our work instead of gossiping, lebih baik kita membuat kerja kita drpd mengumpat; e. serve, melayani: to ~ to a customer, melayani pelanggan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drop | vi 1. drip, menitik, menitis; 2. fall, a. (gen) jatuh: a flower-pot ~ped on his head, pasu bunga itu jatuh di atas kepalanya; b. (of leaves, fruits, bombs) gugur, jatuh: the leaves are beginning to ~, daun-daun mula gugur; 3. collapse, rebah: he will work till he ~s, dia akan bekerja sehingga dia rebah; 4. die, gugur: he saw his comrades ~ping all around him, dia melihat rakan-rakannya gugur di sekelilingnya; 5. decrease, fall, jatuh, turun: tin prices ~ped last year, harga bijih timah jatuh tahun lalu; 6. become softer, menjadi perlahan: his voice ~ped, suaranya menjadi perlahan; 7. abate, reda: the wind has ~ped, angin sudah reda; 8. cease, terputus: we’ve let the correspondence ~, kita telah membiarkan hubungan surat-menyurat terputus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |