encamp | vt menyuruh [sso] berkhemah: the general ~ed his troops in the jungle, jeneral itu menyuruh askar-askarnya berkhemah di hutan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enjoin | vt (fml) menyuruh: the police ~ed the people to remain calm, polis menyuruh orang-orang itu bertenang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enjoin | ~ st /on, upon/, menyuruh sso: the teacher ~ed silence on the class, guru menyuruh kelas itu diam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dismiss | vt 1. send away, menyuruh [sso] pergi: she ~ed the maid with a wave of the hand, dia menyuruh pembantu rumah itu pergi dgn isyarat tangan; 2. allow to disperse, (act.) menyuraikan; (pass.) bersurai: the teacher ~ed class at one o’clock, guru itu menyuraikan kelas pd pukul satu; class was ~ed early, murid-murid bersurai awal; 3. remove from duty, job, memecat: he was ~ed from public service for his involvement in politics, dia dipecat dr perkhidmatan awam krn pelibatannya dlm politik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bundle | ~ so. away, menyuruh sso cepat-cepat pergi: the children were ~d away when the guests arrived, budak-budak itu disuruh cepat-cepat pergi apabila tetamu tiba; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alert | /keep, put/ troops etc on the ~, /memerintahkan, mengarahkan, menyuruh/ pasukan tentera dll /bersiap sedia, berawas-awas, berjaga-jaga/; on the ~, dlm keadaan /berjaga-jaga, berawas-awas, berwaspada, bersiap sedia/: they were on the ~ for any sudden attack, mereka berada dlm keadaan berjaga-jaga sekiranya berlaku serangan mengejut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flea | n pinjal; send so. away with a ~ in his ear, menyuruh seseorang pergi setelah memarahinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beast | ~ of a, teruk: that ~ of an overseer ordered me to work extra hours, mandur yg teruk itu menyuruh saya bekerja lebih masa; it’s a ~ of a job!, teruk betul kerja ini!; the ~, sifat /kehaiwanan, kebinatangan/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instruct | vt 1. teach, mengajar: he had a tutor to ~ him in mathematics, dia diajar matematik oleh seorang tutor; to ~ new recruits, mengajar rekrut baru; 2. direct, order, menyuruh; (formally, officially) mengarahkan: “now, lift your right hand,” he ~ed her, “sekarang, angkat tangan kananmu,” dia menyuruh wanita itu; I’ve been ~ed to wait here with you, saya diarahkan supaya tunggu di sini bersama-sama puan; 3. inform officially, memberitahu, memaklumi: the judge ~s the jury as to the points of law, hakim memberitahu juri ttg perkara-perkara yg bersangkut dgn undang-undang; 4. (leg.) employ (solicitor) melantik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
downward | adv also downwards 1. towards lower place, position, ke bawah: the photographer asked her to look ~, jurugambar itu menyuruh dia memandang ke bawah; 2. to a later time or era, dan selepasnya: from the Renaissance ~, dr zaman pembaharuan dan selepasnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |