f ollow | 3. tail, shadow, mengekori, mengikuti: he was quite certain that he was being ~ed, dia pasti bahawa dia sedang diekori; 4. occur or come after in seqence of events, list, programme, etc, menyusuli, diikuti; (of season, feast day, etc) menyusuli: the main course was ~ed by sago pudding, hidangan utama diikuti oleh puding sagu; she ~ed up the telephone call with a visit, dia menyusuli panggilan telefon dgn lawatan; the dinner was ~ed by a dance, majlis makan malam itu disusuli oleh majlis tari-menari; the drought was ~ed by an epidemic, kemarau itu disusuli oleh wabak penyakit; New Year ~s Christmas, Tahun Baru menyusuli Krismas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
f ollow | vt 1. go, arrive after, mengikut; (a little later, some time later, etc) menyusuli, mengikut kemudian: the dog ~ed him home, anjing itu mengikutnya pulang; the Minister of Education was the first to arrive, ~ed by the Minister of Agriculture, Menteri Pendidikan ialah menteri yg pertama tiba, disusuli oleh Menteri Pertanian; 2. accompany, mengikut; (important person etc) mengikut, mengiringi: security guards ~ed the Prime Minister wherever he went, pengawal keselamatan mengiringi Perdana Menteri itu ke mana saja beliau pergi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | n 1. good example, precedence, teladan: we look to him for a ~, dialah yg kami jadikan teladan; to follow so’s ~, mengikut teladan sso: many are following that company’s ~ by introducing delivery services to the customers, banyak yg telah mengikut teladan syarikat itu dgn memperkenalkan perkhidmatan serahan kpd pelanggan; 2. piece of evidence, clue, petunjuk: the detectives are following up a new ~, detektif-detektif itu sedang menyusuli beberapa petunjuk baru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |