hug | vt 1. hold tightly, memeluk, mendakap: the little girl ~ged her doll, budak perempuan itu mendakap anak patungnya; he sat ~ging his knees, dia duduk memeluk lututnya; 2. embrace each other, berpelukan, berdakapan; 3. keep close to, menyusur(i): the ship ~ged the coast, kapal itu menyusuri pantai; 4. cling to, cherish, berpegang teguh pd: to ~ age-old prejudices, berpegang teguh pd prasangka yg telah lama wujud; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
around | from ~, dari, [not translated]: take your arm from ~ my shoulders, lepaskan tanganmu dari bahuku or jangan paut bahuku; c. (so as to make a circuit of) mengelilingi, berkeliling: she danced ~ the fire as if in a trance, dia menari mengelilingi unggun api itu spt orang yg tdk sedarkan diri; d. (so as to make partial circuit of) menyusuri, mengelilingi: a voyage ~ the Cape of Good Hope, pelayaran mengelilingi Tanjung Harapan; 3. in every direction from (a point of reference) sekeliling, sekitar: he looked ~ him and could not believe what he saw, dia memandang sekelilingnya dan tdk dapat mempercayai apa yg dilihatnya; 4. situated here and there in, di sana sini di: the antique clocks ~ the house, jam-jam antik yg terdapat di sana sini di rumah itu; 5. from one place to another in, throughout, mengelilingi, berkeliling: to drive ~ the island, memandu mengelilingi pulau itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |