fumble | vi 1. also ~ about, ~ around, grope about clumsily, meraba-raba, menggagau-gagau: he was fumbling in the dark, dia meraba-raba dlm gelap; she ~d in her handbag for her keys, dia meraba-raba dlm beg tangannya utk mencari kunci; 2. say in a clumsy way, tergagap-gagap: the speaker ~d for the right word, penceramah itu tergagap-gagap mencari perkataan yg betul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dark | n 1. absence of light, gelap: she groped around in the ~, dia meraba-raba dlm gelap; afraid of the ~, takut akan gelap; 2. night, nightfall, malam tiba: they were forced to wait till ~, mereka terpaksa menunggu sehingga malam tiba; before ~, sebelum malam tiba; after ~, pd waktu malam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blindly | adv 1. in a blind manner, spt orang buta: he groped ~ in the dark, dia meraba-raba spt orang buta dlm kegelapan; 2. without reason, foresight, secara /membabi buta, membuta tuli/: to follow so. ~, mengikut sso secara membabi buta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |