finger | vt 1. touch with the fingers, merasa-rasa: she ~ed the silk, dia merasa-rasa sutera itu; 2. perform with the fingers, menjarikan: she learned how to ~ the piece on the piano, dia belajar menjarikan lagu itu dgn piano; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ease | (be) at ~, tdk /canggung, kaku/, senang: she seems at ~ in their company, dia tdk canggung bergaul dgn mereka; (be) ill at ~, tdk senang (benar), canggung (benar); feel at ~, merasa senang; feel ill at ~, merasa tdk senang (benar);/put, set/ so. at ~, membuat sso merasa senang: a host should put his guests at ~, tuan rumah harus membuat tetamunya merasa senang; set /o’s, so’s/ mind at ~, menenangkan fikiran sso: you can set your mind at ~ now that the trial is over, bolehlah tuan tenangkan fikiran sekarang krn perbicaraan telah selesai; (stand) at ~, senang diri; take o’s ~, bersenang-senang: he is able to take his ~ now that he has retired, bolehlah dia bersenang-senang sekarang krn dia telah bersara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feel | n sensation produced by st touched, rasa: the ~ of silk, rasa sutera; the ~ of the rope around his neck, rasa lilitan tali di lehernya; have a ~, merasa; /rough, smooth, etc / to the ~, /kasar, licin, dll/ apabila /dirasa, disentuh/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ease | n 1. comfort, kesenangan: live a life of ~, hidup dlm kesenangan; 2. mental peace, ketenangan, ketenteraman: he has never known a moment’s ~ since his wife died, dia tdk pernah merasa sedikit pun ketenangan sejak isterinya meninggal dunia; ~ of mind, ketenangan fikiran; 3. naturalness, bersahaja: ~ of manner, gerak laku yg bersahaja;4. facility, mudahnya, senangnya: the ~ with which he lifted the rock, mudahnya dia mengangkat batu yg besar itu; with ~, dgn mudahnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feel | vt 1. perceive physical sensation, (be)rasa: he felt a sudden pain in his chest, dia berasa sakit yg tiba-tiba di dlm dadanya; he could ~ the cord biting into his wrists, dia dapat rasa tali itu mencerut pergelangan tangannya; 2. be sensitive to, (be)rasa: some people ~ the heat more than others, setengah-setengah orang berasa panas lebih drpd orang lain; 3. examine by touching, merasa: the doctor felt his pulse, doktor merasa denyutan nadinya; 4. have an emotional sensation of, merasakan: she felt the insult deeply, dia sangat-sangat merasakan penghinaan itu; everyone could ~ the tension in the room, setiap orang dapat merasakan suasana tegang di dlm bilik itu; 5. have the impression, merasakan, rasa: they ~ that he should resign, mereka merasakan bahawa dia patut meletakkan jawatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deal | n 1. usu a /good, great/ ~ of, a. indefinite amount, banyak: a good ~ of money, banyak wang; a great ~ of effort has been wasted on the project, banyak usaha tersia-sia sahaja krn projek itu; /spend, take/ a great ~ of trouble (to do st) telah bersusah payah (membuat sst); b. indefinite degree, amat, sangat, sungguh; (of difference) besar: to cause so. a good ~ of worry, menyebabkan sso merasa amat risau; to suffer a great ~ of pain, mengalami kesakitan yg amat sangat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |