Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

extensiveadj 1. covering a large area, luas; (of rash) merebak; (of burns) teruk: there are ~ areas of desert in this country, terdapat kawasan gurun yg luas di negara ini; as the rash was not ~, we did not take him to see a doctor, disebabkan ruam tdk merebak kami tdk membawanya berjumpa doktor; the child has ~ burns, kanak-kanak itu mengalami luka kebakaran yg teruk;2. a. large in amount, banyak: ~ repairs were carried out to restore the old mill to full working order, kerja-kerja pembaikan yg banyak dijalankan utk membaik pulih kilang itu supaya dapat berjalan dgn lancar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hooliganismn tindakan buas: football ~ has spread to Asian countries, tindakan buas semasa pertandingan bola sepak telah merebak ke negara-negara Asia.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
contactn 1. act of touching, sentuhan, menyentuh: the disease is spread by ~, penyakit itu merebak melalui sentuhan; the mine will explode on ~, periuk api itu akan meletup apabila disentuh; 2. state of being in touch, hubungan: ~ has been reestablished with the cholera-stricken area, hubungan telah diadakan semula dgn kawasan yg ditimpa wabak taun itu; 3. person one contacts, contacted for st, orang hubungan: our business ~s in Manila, orang hubungan perniagaan kami di Manila; 4. (electr) connection, sentuhan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blot~ out, a. cover with ink, hide, menutup: the ink has run and ~ted out the writing, dakwat itu telah merebak dan menutup tulisan itu; b. hide, melindungi: the mist ~ted out the view, kabus melindungi pemandangan; c. wipe out, destroy, menghapuskan; (memories) meluputkan, menghilangkan, melenyapkan: the enemy was ~ted out, pihak musuh telah dihapuskan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breakwar broke out between the two countries, peperangan meletus antara kedua-dua negeri itu; several fires broke out in the forest, api kebakaran mencetus di sana sini di hutan itu; cholera broke out in the refugee camp, wabak taun mula merebak di khemah pelarian itu; c. ( of rash etc ) appear, keluar, timbul; ( of sweat ) keluar, terbit, timbul: a rash broke out all over his body, <./i> ruam keluar di merata-rata badannya; sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead, tiba-tiba terbit keringat di dahinya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
among(st)7. with, by many, di kalangan: polygamy is permissable ~ Muslims, poligami dibenarkan di kalangan orang-orang Muslim; 8. through the whole group of, di kalangan: the discontent that spread ~ the immigrants, rasa tdk puas hati yg merebak di kalangan para pendatang; 9. with each other, sesama: they argued ~ themselves, mereka berbalah sesama sendiri; 10. by the joint action of, sesama: to settle the dispute ~ ourselves, menyelesaikan perselisihan sesama kita.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
anotheradj 1. one more, a. (foll by quantitative n) se + approp classifier [n] lagi; (in imper construction), /satu, se + approp classifier/ [n] lagi: the fire has spread to ~ house, api (kebakaran) itu telah merebak ke sebuah rumah lagi; the hospital needs ~ eye specialist, hospital itu memerlukan seorang pakar mata lagi; ~ child came in, seorang kanak-kanak lagi telah masuk; he went to bed without ~ word, dia masuk tidur tanpa sepatah kata lagi; bring me ~ chair,bawakan saya sebuah kerusi lagi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
break~ out, a. escape, /melepaskan, melarikan/ diri, lepas lari: three convicts broke out of gaol, tiga orang banduan telah melepaskan diri dr penjara; the horses broke out through the stable wall, kuda-kuda itu melepaskan diri dgn merempuh dinding kandang; b. ( of rioting, cheering, argument, etc ) start abruptly, meletus; ( of fire ) mencetus; ( of epidemic ) mula /merebak, menular/: rioting broke out in the streets, rusuhan meletus di jalan-jalan raya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fly2n 1. dipterous insect, lalat; a ~ in the ointment, (colloq) (hal) yg merosakkan: the atmosphere at the party was very pleasant; the only ~ in the ointment was that Donald and Martha had a row, suasana di majlis itu sungguh seronok; satu-satunya yg merosakkan ialah Donald dan Martha telah bergaduh; /die, drop, fall/ like flies, ramai yg + approp v: as bubonic plague spread through the area, the inhabitants began to drop like flies, semasa wabak bubon merebak di kawasan itu, ramai penduduk yg mati; not /harm, hurt/ a ~, sangat lembut hati: my father looks very stern but he wouldn’t harm a ~, bapa saya kelihatan cukup garang tetapi dia sangat lembut hati; there are no flies on him, (sl) tak makan kelentong; 2. (in angling) lure, umpan tiruan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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