decoct | vt merebus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
egg-timer | n pengukur waktu merebus telur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hard | adv 1. so as to be firm, solid, sehingga keras: to boil the eggs ~, merebus telur sehingga keras; 2. with great effort, dgn sungguh-sungguh: try ~ to complete the task, cuba bersungguh-sungguh utk menyelesaikan tugas itu; I thought ~ about the problem but could not find a solution to it, saya telah berfikir dgn sungguh-sungguh ttg masalah itu tetapi belum mendapat penyelesaiannya; work ~, bekerja /keras, kuat/; 3. with force, dgn kuat: he pulled the rope ~, dia menarik tali itu dgn kuat; 4. closely, dgn teliti, betul-betul: if you listen ~ you’ll be able to hear what they’re talking about, jika kamu mendengar dgn teliti, kamu akan dapat mendengar percakapan mereka; 5. fixedly, tajam: the headmaster stared ~ at the boy, guru besar merenung tajam pd budak itu; 6. heavily, dgn lebat: it rained ~ last night, hujan turun dgn lebat malam semalam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boil2 | vt 1. cause to boil, mendidihkan; (for drinking) memasak: ~ two cups of water, didihkanlah dua cawan air; drinking water must be ~ed, air minum mesti dimasak; 2. cook or sterilize in boiling liquid, merebus: I ~ed the meat for 3 hours, saya merebus daging itu selama 3 jam; this bed-linen must be ~ed, cadar ini mesti direbus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foggy | adj 1. thick with fog, berkabut: a ~ morning, pagi yg berkabut; ~ weather, cuaca berkabut; 2. unclear, samar-samar; (of memory) kabur: I have only a ~ idea of what has been happening, saya hanya tahu samar-samar ttg apa yg sedang berlaku; my memory of the event is rather ~, ingatan saya ttg peristiwa itu agak kabur; not have the foggiest (idea), (colloq) tdk tahu langsung: you don’t have the foggiest idea how to boil an egg do you?, merebus telur pun kamu tak tahu langsung, bukan?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |