design | vt 1. draw a plan, sketch, etc, mereka bentuk: to ~ a bridge, mereka bentuk jambatan; to ~ a bridal gown, mereka bentuk pakaian pengantin perempuan; to ~ a syllabus, mereka bentuk sukatan pelajaran; 2. plan, merancang: to ~ an attack, merancang serangan; 3. set apart, intend, khas: the house was ~ed to be a holiday home, rumah itu khas utk digunakan semasa cuti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
design | vi mereka bentuk + approp n: she ~s for a leading boutique, dia mereka bentuk pakaian utk sebuah butik yg terkemuka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commission | n 1. special task, job, kerja; (for artist) tempahan: he was given the ~ to design the mosque, dia diberi kerja utk mereka bentuk masjid itu; not all artists accept ~s, bukan semua pelukis yg mahu menerima tempahan; 2. (mil) tauliah: he received his ~ as 2nd Lieutenant, dia menerima tauliah sbg Leftenan Muda; 3. group authorized to perform certain duties, suruhanjaya: a Royal C~, Suruhanjaya Diraja; the C~ of Inquiry, Suruhanjaya Siasatan; the Federal Trade C~, Suruhanjaya Perdagangan Persekutuan; 4. fee allotted to agent, komisen, dalal: he charges 5% ~, dia mengenakan komisen 5%; sell st on ~, menjual sst dgn mendapat komisen; 5. act of doing (st wrong, unlawful) perbuatan melakukan: the ~ of a crime, perbuatan melakukan jenayah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
complete | adj 1. having or containing all the necessary parts, lengkap, sempurna: is your set ~?, adakah peranggu kamu lengkap?; a kitchen ~ with modern gadgets, dapur yg lengkap dgn peralatan moden; 2. finished, siap, selesai: his work is not yet ~, kerjanya belum siap lagi; 3. thorough, absolute, benar-benar, betul-betul: I am in ~ sympathy with him, saya benar-benar bersimpati terhadapnya; the project was a ~ failure, projek itu benar-benar gagal; 4. entire, seluruh: we were asked to design a ~ township, kami diminta mereka bentuk seluruh bandar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | 15. (indic arrangement, shape, form) dalam: they stood about ~ twos and threes, mereka berdiri dalam kumpulan berdua dan bertiga; the eggs are packed ~ dozens, telur itu dijual dalam pek sedozen; to sit ~ a circle, duduk dalam bentuk bulatan; seedlings planted ~ neat rows, anak benih yg ditanam dalam barisan yg emas; the work is ~ three volumes, karya itu dalam tiga jid; the water shot up ~ a fountain, air mencurat keluar dalam bentuk air pancut; ~ /fives, tens, etc/, (of things) dua-dua, tiga-tiga, dll: pack the cigarettes ~ tens, bungkus rokok itu sepuluh-sepuluh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
larval | adj (gen) larva; (of ant, bee) tempayak; (of beetle) lundi; (of fly) berenga: they spray the insects while they are still in ~ form, mereka menyembur serangga semasa serangga masih dlm bentuk larva. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exclusive | adj 1. limited to, catering or reserved for a privileged minority, eksklusif: an ~ club, kelab eksklusif; ~ designs, reka bentuk eksklusif; an ~ hotel, hotel yg eksklusif; the group to which he belongs is rather ~, kumpulan sosialnya agak eksklusif; 2. limited to the person or group mentioned, eksklusif:the company has the ~ right to publish this book, syarikat itu mempunyai hak eksklusif utk menerbitkan buku ini; the ~ privileges of the upper class, hak-hak istimewa kelas atasan; they have the ~ use of the room, mereka mempunyai hak eksklusif utk menggunakan bilik itu; 3. (of story, interview, etc published in a magazine or newspaper) eksklusif: an ~ article on Rajiv Gandhi, rencana eksklusif ttg Rajiv Gandhi; 4. incompatible, berbeza sama sekali: principles that are mutually ~, prinsip-prinsip yg berbeza sama sekali; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ down to, a. reach, sampai ke: her hair ~s down to just below the ears, rambutnya sampai ke cuping telinga; their land ~s down to the foot of the hill, tanah mereka sampai ke kaki bukit; b. boil down to, berpokok pd: it all ~s down to jealousy, semuanya berpokok pd rasa cemburu; when it ~s down to, apabila kita bercakap ttg: when it ~s down to batik design, no one can match him, apabila kita bercakap ttg reka bentuk batik, tiada seorang pun yg dapat menandinginya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bring | vt 1. take, carry, convey to a particular place, membawa: do you think he’ll ~ her to the party?, kamu rasa dia akan membawa gadis itu ke majlis tersebut?; I hope they brought enough money with them, saya harap mereka telah membawa wang yg cukup; the designer who joined us several days ago brought with him some exciting new ideas, pereka bentuk yg mula bekerja dgn syarikat kami beberapa hari lalu, membawa bersamanya beberapa gagasan baru yang menarik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discipline | n 1. field of study, disiplin: political science as a ~, sains politik sbg satu disiplin; 2. training, disiplin: a military ~, disiplin ketenteraan; 3. system of rules, disiplin, tatatertib: to observe a strict ~, mematuhi disiplin yg ketat; 4. order, disiplin: to maintain ~ in the classroom, mengekalkan disiplin di dlm bilik darjah; 5. punishment, disiplin: they were kept in line by many forms of ~, mereka dapat dikawal dgn berbagai-bagai bentuk disiplin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |