crack | vi 1. split into fissures, merekah: the dry ground ~ed during the long summer, tanah yg kontang merekah pd musim panas yg panjang; 2. split into thin lines, meretak: the glass ~ed when she poured hot water into it, gelas itu meretak apabila air panas dituang ke dalamnya; 3. (of skin, lips) pecah-pecah; 4. make sudden, sharp noise, [various translations]: rifles ~ed simultaneously, senapang meletup serentak; the children shouted when the fireworks ~ed, kanak-kanak bersorak apabila bunga api meletup-letup; when whips ~, apabila cemeti melecut; 5. (of voice), (menjadi) serak; (approaching puberty, adolescence) pecah: his voice ~ed with grief, suaranya serak krn sedih; at adolescence, a boy’s voice ~s, suara budak lelaki pecah sewaktu mulai meningkat remaja; 6. break down, menyerah: he ~ed under the continual questioning, dia menyerah setelah disoal bertalu-talu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cracked | adj 1. split into fissures, merekah; 2. split into thin lines, retak: the ~ walls of the old castle, dinding istana lama yg retak; 3. (of skin, lips) pecah-pecah; 4. (colloq) crazy, gila, sewel, miring. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gape | vi 1. stare open-mouthed, ternganga, terlopong: the children ~d as they watched the fire-eater, kanak-kanak ternganga melihat pemakan api itu; 2. be open wide, stand open, a. (of curtain) terselak, tersingkap; b. (of garment, seam) terbuka, ternganga: the coat ~s between every button, kot itu terbuka di antara tiap-tiap butang; c. (of wound) ternganga: the wound was gaping, luka itu ternganga; d. (of chasm etc) merekah: holes ~d in the earth during the earthquake, lubang-lubang merekah di bumi semasa gempa bumi itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |