bristle | vi 1. sometimes ~ up, (of hair on animal or person’s body) meremang, menggermang: the dog ~d when the stranger appeared, bulu anjing itu meremang apabila melihat orang yg tdk dikenalinya; the hair on his neck ~d, bulu tengkuknya meremang; 2. show anger, agitation, melenting: he always ~s at criticism, dia selalu melenting apabila dikritik; 3. be thick or set, a. bercerancang, berceracak: the wall of the fort ~d with arrows, dinding kubu itu bercerancang dgn anak panah; b. (fig.) penuh: the text ~d with misprints, teks itu penuh dgn kesilapan cetak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bristle | vt sometimes ~ up, cause to stand up, meremang, menggermang: the bird ~d up its feathers, bulu burung itu meremang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
goose-flesh | n bulu roma [sso] /meremang, tegak, berdiri/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hackles | n (in pl) hairs on back of cat, dog, etc, bulu tengkuk: Buster’s ~ rose and he barked fiercely at the other dog, bulu tengkuk Buster meremang dan dia menyalak anjing yg lain dgn garangnya; get o’s ~ up, make o’s ~ rise, membuat sso naik /marah, darah, radang/: any criticism of his work is sure to get his ~ up, sebarang kritik thdp kerjanya pasti membuat dia naik marah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creep | make o’s /flesh, skin/ ~, a. (with fear), /meremangkan, menegakkan/ bulu roma sso; b. (with repugnance, disgust), (menyebabkan) sso /geli-geman, berasa jijik/; (by person) menyeramkan: horror films make my flesh ~, filem seram menyebabkan bulu roma saya meremang; the sight of the snakes made her skin ~ all over, dia geli-geman melihat ular-ular itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |