immerse | vt 1. dip, merendam; (face, head) membenamkan: she ~d the clothes in soapy water, dia merendam kain-kain itu dlm air sabun; the eggs must first be ~d in a salt solution, telur-telur itu hendaklah terlebih dahulu direndam dlm air garam; he ~d the boy’s head in the water, dia membenamkan epala budak itu dlm air; lie ~d in st, (of person, animal) berendam; 2. baptize by immersion, membaptis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bathe | vt 1. apply water to, mencuci, membasuh, menyiramkan air pd: the nurse ~d the wound and applied the medicine, jururawat mencuci luka itu dan membubuh ubat; to ~ o’s eyes, mencuci mata sso; 2. immerse (in liquid) merendam: he ~d his swollen feet in warm water, dia merendam kakinya yg bengkak di dlm air suam; 3. lap, flow over, menyapu: the sea ~s the gently sloping beach, air laut menyapu pantai yg landai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immersion | n 1. baptism by putting the body or part of it under water, pembaptisan; 2. act of dipping, perendaman, merendam; 3. state of being immersed, absorption, keasyikan, asyik: his total ~ in his work, dia begitu asyik bekerja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
douse | vt 1. throw (liquid) over, drench, menyimbah: she ~d her face with cold water, dia menyimbah mukanya dgn air sejuk; 2. immerse in water, merendam: the linen should be ~d in disinfectant, kain linen itu patut direndam dlm bahan penyahjangkit; 3. extinguish, memadamkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infusion | n 1. act of, a. (instilling) penanaman, penyemaian, menanam, menyemai; b. (filling so. with courage, desire to do st, etc) menanam, menyemai; c. (soaking) penyeduhan, perendaman, menyeduh, merendam; 2. liquid made by infusing, (air) seduhan: she was given an ~ of herbs to drink, dia diberi air seduhan herba utk diminum; 3. (med) infusi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infuse | vt 1. instill, menanam, menyemai: he was able to ~ courage into his men, dia berjaya menanam semangat berani dlm jiwa orang-orangnya; 2. fill (so. with courage, desire to do st, etc) menanam, menyemai: to ~ so. with the desire to succeed, menanam semangat ingin berjaya dlm jiwa sso; 3. soak, menyeduh, merendam: the herbs are ~d in hot water, herba itu diseduh dlm air panas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |