hack 1 | vt 1. chop roughly or violently, menetak: the killer ~ed his victim’s body savagely, pembunuh itu menetak tubuh mangsanya dgn ganas; 2. also ~ out, clear, a. (way, path) merintis: to ~ a path through the forest, merintis jalan menembusi hutan itu; b. (farm) membuka: the settlers had to ~ out the farm from heavily-forested land, penduduk-penduduk terpaksa membuka ladang drpd kawasan yg diliputi hutan tebal; 3. (in sport) menendang, menyepak: he ~ed his opponent’s shin, dia menyepak tulang kering lawannya; 4. cut, reduce severely, memenggal: the editor had to ~ the reporter’s story due to space constraints, editor terpaksa memenggal cerita wartawan itu krn kesempitan ruang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground 1 | c. (of army etc) berundur; on o’s own ~, a. at o’s place of work, home, etc, approp n + sso sendiri: if you want his help, it’s better that you meet him on his own ~, jika kamu mahu pertolongannya, lebih baik kamu berjumpa dengannya di rumahnya sendiri; b. in st that one is good at, dlm bidangnya sendiri: I want to beat him on his own ~, saya hendak kalahkan dia dlm bidangnya sendiri; prepare the ~, merintis jalan: his far-sighted reforms prepared the ~ for the country’s transition to democracy, pembaharuan-pembaharuannya yg berpandangan jauh merintis jalan utk peralihan negara ke arah demokrasi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |