apart | 2. at interval(s) of, selang, lat: the twins were born three minutes ~, anak kembar itu dilahirkan selang tiga minit; the cars left the starting-point five minutes ~, kereta-kereta itu berlepas dr tempat permulaan selang lima minit; 3. away, at a distance, berjauhan; (because of marital problems) berasingan: due to his job commitments, he had to live ~ from his family, oleh sebab tanggungjawab thdp kerjanya, dia terpaksa tinggal berjauhan drpd keluarganya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fast1 | my watch is ten minutes ~, jam saya cepat sepuluh minit; 5. (old-fashioned) given to seeking pleasure and excitement, suka berfoya-foya: a ~ set of people, sekumpulan manusia yg suka berfoya-foya; 6. firmly fixed, approp v + (dgn) /kukuh, teguh/: the post is ~ in the ground, tiang itu tertanam dgn kukuh dlm tanah; 7. steady, close, karib, rapat: ~ friends, kawan karib; 8. unfading, kekal, tdk luntur: ~ colour, warna yg tdk luntur; 9. (photog) pantas: a ~ film, filem pantas; 10. (cricket) delivering ball rapidly, deras: ~ bowler, pembaling deras; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exasperated | adj jengkel:as the minutes passed he became more and more ~, setiap minit berlalu, dia menjadi semakin jengkel. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gaze | vi merenung: for several minutes he stood gazing out of the window, buat beberapa minit dia berdiri merenung ke luar tingkap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infuse | vi terseduh, terendam: let the tea ~ for several minutes, biarkan daun teh terseduh selama beberapa minit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kick | ~ off, bermula: the game is due to ~ off in five minutes, perlawanan itu akan bermula lima minit lagi; ~ st off, menanggalkan sst: she ~ed off her shoes, dia menanggalkan kasutnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arise | ~ /from, out of/, timbul /akibat, drpd/: questions arising from the minutes, persoalan-persoalan yg timbul drpd minit mesyuarat itu; the many diseases that ~ from bad sanitation, penyakit-penyakit yg timbul drpd keadaan tdk bersih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ago | adv yg /lalu, lepas/, dahulu; (ref to a longer period) dahulu, yg /lampau, lalu/: a few minutes ~, beberapa minit yg lalu; some weeks ~, beberapa minggu yg lalu; about seven or eight years ~, kira-kira tujuh atau lapan tahun yg lampau; /a moment, a short while/ ~, sebentar tadi; long ~, a. long since, pd suatu masa /yg lampau, dahulu/: it happened long ~, peristiwa itu berlaku pd suatu masa yg lampau; b. in bygone days, pd zaman dahulu, dahulu kala; not long ~, tdk berapa lama dahulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
call | ~ away, (usu pass.) dipanggil pergi: the doctor was ~ed away a few minutes ago, doktor itu dipanggil pergi beberapa minit yg lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freshen | ~ up, (colloq), (by washing, shaving, etc) membasuh muka: just give me ten minutes to ~ up, beri saya sepuluh minit utk membasuh muka; ~ so. up, menyegarkan sso: a good sleep will ~ you up, tidur yg cukup akan menyegarkan kamu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |