drink | ~ away, minum-minum, minum bertali arus: the three men drank away into the night, tiga lelaki itu minum-minum hingga larut malam; ~ st away, get rid of st by drinking alcohol, melenyapkan sst dgn minum (arak): he thought he could ~ his troubles away, dia fikir dia dapat melenyapkan masalahnya dgn minum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carouse | vi minum-minum dgn riuh-rendah: they ~d all night, mereka minum-minum dgn riuh-rendah sepanjang malam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crack | ~ a bottle, minum-minum; ~ a joke, berjenaka, berseloroh; ~ a smile, tersenyum; ~ o’s knuckles, /mematah-matahkan, meletupkan-letupkan/ jari; ~ the case, find solution to, menyelesaikan kes; ~ the code, /memecahkan, menghuraikan/ kod; ~ the problem, memecahkan masalah; ~ the whip, a. melecutkan cemeti; b. (fig.) bertindak keras: everyone begins to work hard when he ~s the whip, semua orang mula bekerja kuat apabila dia bertindak keras; get ~ing, (colloq) mulakan dgn segera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carousal | n pesta minum-minum (yg riuh-rendah). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bust2 | n (colloq) drinking-bout, minum-minum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fit1 | laugh ~ to burst, ketawa pecah perut; not in a ~ state, in no ~ state, [various translations]: after two hours of drinking he was in no ~ state to drive the car, selepas minum-minum selama dua jam, dia begitu mabuk hingga tdk dapat memandu kereta; you’re in no ~ state to work, balik sajalah. Dlm keadaan begini kamu tdk boleh bekerja; /see, think /~, (to do st), a. consider appropriate, menganggap wajar: he was allowed to spend the money as he thought ~, dia dibenarkan membelanjakan wang tersebut sebagaimana dianggapnya wajar; b. decide, membuat keputusan, memutuskan: he saw ~ to ignore the question, dia membuat keputusan utk tdk mengendahkan soalan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drink | ~ deep of, (me)minum [sst] dgn banyaknya: the traveller drank deep of the water given to him, pengembara itu minum air yg diberikan kepadanya dgn banyaknya; ~ so’s health, minum ucap selamat mendoakan sso sihat; ~ os stupid, (colloq) minum (arak) hingga menjadi bodoh; what are you ~ing, kamu (hendak) minum apa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drink | ~ to; ~ os to death, (me)minum arak sampai sso mati; ~ (a toast) to, a. (in honour of) minum ucap selamat meraikan: they drank a toast to the bride and groom, mereka minum ucap selamat utk meraikan kedua-dua pengantin itu; b. (to wish so. good health, success, etc) minum ucap selamat utk: let’s ~ to our success, mari minum ucap selamat utk kejayaan kita; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drink | vi 1. consume liquid, minum (air): the animals come to the stream to ~, binatang-binatang itu turun ke sungai utk minum; 2. consume alcoholic liquor, minum /arak, minuman keras/: he doesn’t enjoy ~ing alone, dia tdk seronok minum arak bersendirian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drink | vt 1. consume, (me)minum; (accidentally) terminum: she doesn’t ~ tea, dia tdk minum teh; he drank the poison which was intended for his wife, dia terminum racun yg ditujukan pd isterinya; 2. consume content of, (me)minum; (accidentally) terminum: he can ~ cans of beer without getting drunk, dia boleh minum bertin-tin bir tanpa menjadi mabuk; 3. also ~ in, ~ up, absorb, menyerap: the soil was so dry that it drank up all the rain-water, tanah itu terlalu kering sehingga ia menyerap kesemua air hujan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |