de luxe | adj mewah: a ~ edition, edisi mewah; a ~ model, model mewah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | 18. a. (ref to colour) dalam: the new model comes ~ pink, blue and purple, model baru ini terdapat dalam warna merah jambu, biru dan ungu; b. (ref to variety) dibuat drpd: batik caftans are available ~ cotton or silk in most shops, aftan batik yg dibuat drpd kain kapas atau sutera dapat dibeli dr kebanyakan kedai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
full scale | adj 1. (of drawing, plan, etc) sebesar saiz asalnya: a ~ wax model of Abraham Lincoln, model lilin Abraham Lincoln yg sebesar saiz asalnya; 2. total, complete, total: the skirmishes developed into a ~ war, pertempuran-pertempuran kecil itu menjadi perang total. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inside | adv 1. in the inside, di dalam: he’s ~, working on a model plane, dia di dalam, sedang memasang kapal terbang model; it’s cooler ~, lebih sejuk di dalam; is there anything ~?, ada apa-apa di dalam?; 2. to the inside, ke dalam: I was told to go ~, saya disuruh masuk ke dalam; the coat is worn with the fur ~, bahagian kot yg berbulu dipakai di dalam; /come, get/ ~, masuk (ke dalam); invite so. ~, mempelawa sso /masuk (ke dalam), ke dalam/; 3. (sl) in prison, (di) dalam jel: he’s ~ for pulling a bank job, dia dalam jel krn merompak bank; 4. by nature, hati: she looks so gentle, but ~, she’s as hard as nails, dia nampak saja lembut, tetapi hatinya keras bagai batu; 5. (describing how one feels) dalam hati (sso): I always felt ~ that I did not belong, dalam hati, saya selalu merasakan bahawa tempat saya bukan di sini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antecedent | n 1. st that precedes, approp n + sebelum: ~s of the war, peristiwa-peristiwa sebelum perang itu; the Model T was an ~ of the modern car, Model T adalah kereta yg direka sebelum kereta moden; 2. (ling) anteseden; 3. (in pl) a. ancestry, keturunan: to be proud of o’s ~s, berbangga dgn keturunan sso; b. past history (of person) sejarah hidup: little is known about his ~s, tdk banyak yg diketahui ttg sejarah hidupnya; 4. (math) antejadian, anteseden. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exemplar | n model, example, contoh: the ~ of an unselfish life, contoh kehidupan yg tdk mementingkan diri sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dummy | n 1. (model of person or animal) patung; (puppet) patung, boneka: all the dummies in the shop window were stolen, semua patung dlm jendela kedai itu dicuri; for target practice, they were required to shoot down dummies, semasa latihan sasaran mereka dikehendaki menembak patung; the ventriloquist uses two dummies for his act, ventrilokis itu menggunakan dua boneka utk persembahannya; 2. object made to look similar to the real thing, (approp n) palsu: the wedding cakes on display are all dummies, kek pengantin yg dipamerkan semuanya kek palsu; the first drawer is actually a ~, laci yg pertama itu sebenarnya palsu; 3. (UK) rubber teat for babies, puting (getah); 4. (US), (colloq) stupid person, (orang yg) /bodoh, tolol/; 5. (printing) dami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
archetype | n 1. typical example, specimen, contoh tipikal: he was the ~ of a businessman, dia contoh tipikal seorang peniaga; 2. prototype, arketip: the Ford Model T is the ~ of mass-produced cars, Ford Model T ialah arketip kereta-kereta yang dikeluarkan secara besar-besaran; 3. (psychol) arketip; 4. recurrent symbol, motive, in literature, etc, tipa induk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imitate | vt 1. follow as model, example, meniru, mencontoh: the boy tries to ~ his elder brother in every way, budak itu mencuba meniru kelakuan abangnya dlm segala hal; 2. mimic, mengajuk: comedians who ~ prominent people to amuse their audiences, pelawak-pelawak yg mengajuk telatah orang-orang terkenal utk menghiburkan hati para penonton; the bird can ~ a dog’s bark, burung itu dapat mengajuk salakan anjing; 3. produce, make a likeness of, meniru: his style is difficult to ~, gaya penulisannya sukar ditiru; 4. resemble, be like (in appearance) menyerupai, kelihatan spt: the plastic is grained to ~ wood, plastik itu dikira supaya menyerupai kayu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exemplary | adj 1. serving as a model, dapat menjadi contoh: an ~ employee, pekerja yg dapat menjadi contoh; 2. (fml), (usu attrib) serving as a warning, teladan: ~ punishment, hukuman teladan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |