chubby | adj tembam, montel, montok; (of cheeks) tembam; (of fingers) montok, tembam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buxom | adj 1. (of a woman) full-bosomed, berbuah dada montok, berdada; 2. (esp of a woman) plump and comely, montok dan segar-bugar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fleshy | adj 1. a. having much flesh, berisi, berdaging: the ~ parts of the body, bahagian-bahagian badan yg berisi; b. fat, plump, tembam, montok: ~ fingers, jari-jari montok; 2. consisting of flesh, berisi: the adult male has a ~ lump at the end of its snout, jantan dewasa mempunyai bonggol yg berisi pd hujung muncungnya; 3. (of fruit) berisi; (of leaf) tebal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fat | adj 1. excessively plump, gemuk, tambun, gedempol; (of animal) gemuk, tambun; (of cheek) tembam, montel; (of stomach) buncit; (of fingers) gemuk, tembam, montok: a ~ man, orang gemuk; the cattle are not ~ enough, lembu-lembu itu tdk cukup gemuk; ~ fingers, jari-jari gemuk; 2. containing much fat, banyak lemak: ~ mutton, daging kambing yg banyak lemak; 3. thick, substantial and well-filled, a. tebal: a ~ volume, jilid buku yg tebal; b. (fig.), [various translations]: he has a ~ bank account, dia mempunyai wang yg banyak di bank; a ~ wallet, dompet yg kembung dgn wang; a ~ larder, almari makanan yg penuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
full | c. (of information, evidence, etc) lengkap: we need ~er information, kita memerlukan maklumat yg lebih lengkap; d. (of board, committee, etc) lengkap: a meeting of the ~ committee, mesyuarat jawatankuasa lengkap; 5. rounded, plump, (of figure) montok; (of face, breasts) montok, penuh; (of lips) penuh; 6. (of clothes) a. of ample cut, kembang: a ~ skirt, skirt kembang; the ~ sleeves are gathered into cuffs, lengan kembang itu dikedutkan menjadi manset; b. loose, longgar; 7. (of sails etc) distended by wind, terkembang: under ~ sail, dgn layar terkembang; 8. (of voice, sound) deep, dalam; 9. (of moon) purnama, penuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fullness | n 1. condition of being satiated, penuh(nya), kekenyangan: he had an uncomfortable feeling of ~ after the meal, dia berasa tdk selesa krn perutnya penuh selepas makan; 2. (of part of person’s body) kemontokan, montok, penuh: the gathers emphasised the ~ of her breasts, kedut-kedut itu menyerlahkan kemontokan buah dadanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ample | adj 1. more than adequate, lebih drpd cukup: there is ~ room for everyone, terdapat ruang yg lebih drpd cukup utk semua orang; to provide ~ opportunity for promotion, mengadakan peluang yg lebih drpd cukup utk kenaikan pangkat; 2. large, extensive, besar, luas: an ~ dining room, bilik makan yg besar; the house has an ~ garden, rumah itu mempunyai taman yg luas; 3. (euphem) stout, buxom, gempal; (of bust) montok, subur: the woman had an ~ figure, wanita itu berbadan gempal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |