decaying | adj 1. declining, sedang merosot: ~ moral principles, prinsip moral yg sedang merosot; 2. rotting, a. (gen) mereput: the ~ roots of a plant, akar-akar pokok yg mereput; b. (of fruit, vegetable) membusuk; c. (of tooth) rosak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
degeneracy | n kemerosotan: intellectual and moral ~, kemerosotan intelek dan moral. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
descend | ~ to, (in morals, behaviour) merendahkan /moral, maruah/ dgn: to ~ to stealing, merendahkan moral dgn mencuri; ~ to particulars, menjurus kpd /perincian, butiran/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ethic | n 1. system of moral principles or values, etika: the Christian ~, etika Kristian; 2. (in pl)science that deals with morals, (ilmu) etika; 3. (in pl)moral rules or principles of behaviour, etika: he has acted contrary to the ~s of the profession, dia bertindak bertentangan dgn etika profesion; code of ~s, kod etika; 4. moral correctness or fitness, salah betulnya: the ~s of such a course of action does seem doubtful, salah betulnya tindakan begitu agak disangsikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
depravation | n 1. act, fact of making depraved, a. (person) merosakkan /akhlak, moral/; b. (character, behaviour, mind, etc) merosakkan; 2. state of being depraved, a. (person) kerosakan /akhlak, moral/, kehinaan; b. (character, behaviour, mind) kerosakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
character | n 1. (in writing) huruf, aksara: Chinese ~s, huruf Cina; 2. mental and moral make-up, peribadi, sifat, watak: she has a strong ~, dia mempunyai peribadi yg tegas; ~ building, pembentukan peribadi; 3. moral strength, peribadi yg tinggi: a man of ~, seorang yg mempunyai peribadi yg tinggi; 4. distinguishing feature, ciri, sifat: a house with a ~ of its own, sebuah rumah yg mempunyai ciri yg tersendiri; 5. style, corak: the film changes in ~ half-way through, filem itu bertukar corak pd pertengahan cerita; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amoral | adj amoral, bebas dr /akhlak, moral/: behavior that is entirely ~, kelakuan yg betul-betul bebas dr landasan akhlak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Immoral | adj 1. not moral, tdk bermoral; (of person) tdk /bermoral, berakhlak/: an ~ act, perbuatan yg tdk bermoral; he is a thoroughly ~ man, dia lelaki yg betul-betul tdk bermoral; 2. sexually improper, lucah; (of earnings) haram: the screening of ~ films, tayangan filem lucah; he made an ~ suggestion to the girl, dia membuat cadangan lucah pd gadis itu; they were accused of using the house for ~ purposes, mereka dituduh menggunakan rumah itu utk kegiatan lucah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frailty | n 1. physical or moral weakness, kelemahan, lemah(nya): because of the ~ of the patients, it was not advisable to move them, kerana lemahnya pesakit-pesakit itu, tdk wajar mereka dipindahkan; 2. imperfection, kelemahan: we all have our frailties, kita semua mempunyai kelemahan masing-masing. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fable | n 1. story with moral, fabel /dongeng, cerita/ /ibarat, teladan/, cerita tamsilan: the ~ of the hare and the tortoise, dongeng teladan arnab dgn kura-kura; 2. legend, (cerita) dongeng, legenda; (about mythical characters) dongeng dewata: ~s of Greek gods and heroes, dongeng ttg dewa-dewa dan pahlawan-pahlawan Yunani; 3. myths and legends collectively, fabel; 4. false story or account, dongeng, rekaan: to separate fact from ~, memisahkan fakta drpd dongeng; all that story about him is a complete ~, segala cerita mengenainya itu ialah rekaan semata-mata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |