depth | at a ~ of, pd /takat, paras/ (+ approp n) di dlm: tin was found at a ~ of 10 ft., bijih timah dijumpai pd takat 10 kaki di dlm tanah; in ~, a. in distance downwards, dalamnya; (of snow) tebalnya: the water is 6 feet in ~, air itu dalamnya 6 kaki; b. in extension inwards, panjang ke dalam: the drawer is 0.75m in ~, laci itu 0.75m panjang ke dalam; c. thorough, mendalam: a study in ~, satu kajian yg mendalam; d. thoroughly, dgn mendalam: to study a problem in ~, mengkaji sst masalah dgn mendalam; /out of, beyond/ o’s ~, a. in water deeper than o’s height, (di) dlm air yg terlalu dalam: she was warned not to swim out of her ~, dia diperingatkan supaya jangan berenang di dlm air yg terlalu dalam; b. beyond o’s mental abilities, tdk faham /satu apa pun, langsung/: when he starts talking about morphophonemics I’m out of my ~, apabila dia mula bercakap ttg morfofonemik, saya tdk faham satu apa pun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |