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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata motor 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

growln 1. rough, guttural sound of animal, bunyi (anjing, kucing, dll) menggeram; (of tiger, lion) bunyi (harimau, singa) mengaum, bunyi aum (harimau, singa); 2. (of thunder, engine, etc) bunyi /deram-derum, deram, derum/ (sst), bunyi (sst) /berderam-derum, berderam, berderum/: the ~ of the outboard motor, bunyi motor sangkut berderum; 3. st said in a low, gruff voice, suara geram: he gave a ~ of disapproval, dia membantah dgn suara geram;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
altituden 1. height above sea level, ketinggian, altitud: the plane climbed to an ~ of 20, 000 metres, kapal terbang itu naik ke ketinggian 20, 000 meter; gain ~, a. (of aircraft, balloon, etc) naik, meninggi; b. (of motor vehicle) /menaiki, mendaki/ sst; lose ~, a. (of aircraft, balloon, etc) menurun, merendah, turun; b. (of motor vehicle) menuruni sst; /high, low/ ~, /altitud, paras/ /tinggi, rendah/; 2. (math) altitud; 3. (usu in pl) high region(s) tempat tinggi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
circuitn 1. track for motor racing, litar; 2. regular round, perlitaran: judges who go on ~, hakim-hakim yg melakukan perlitaran; 3. sequence of sporting events, pertandingan litar: international golf ~, pertandingan litar golf antarabangsa; 4. (electr) litar; 5. round journey, pusingan: he managed to run five ~s of the track, dia dapat berlari lima pusingan balapan itu; make a ~ of, mengelilingi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
garagen 1. building, shed for keeping motor vehicle, garaj; 2. service station, stesen minyak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bonnetn 1. (head-dress) topi bonet; 2. (in motor vehicle) bonet.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
aquaplanevi 1. ide on aquaplane, berselancar; 2. (of motor vehicle) menyatah air.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
biken (colloq) 1. bicycle, basikal; 2. motorcycle, motor.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
faultn 1. responsibility for st wrong, kesalahan: it is not our ~, itu bukan kesalahan kami; 2. mistake, kesalahan, kesilapan: several ~s in the document, beberapa kesilapan pd dokumen itu; a ~ in the installation of the cable, kesilapan dlm pemasangan kabel; she finds ~ with everything I do, dia mencari kesilapan thdp apa saja yg saya lakukan; 3. defect, kerosakan, kecacatan; (electr) kerosakan: there is a ~ in the fabric, terdapat kecacatan pd kain itu; an electrical ~ in the motor, kerosakan elektrik pd motor; 4. failing, kelemahan: to like so. in spite of all his ~s, menyukai sso tanpa mengira semua kelemahannya; 5. (geol) gelinciran, sesar; 6. (in badminton, tennis) salah, batal: double ~, salah dua kali;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
clutch 1n 1. tight grasp, a. (gen) pegangan (yg) kuat; b. (with closed hand) genggaman (yg) kuat; c. (with or as if with claws) cengkaman: in the ~es of an eagle, dlm cengkaman burung helang; d. (of embrace) pelukan, dakapan; 2. (in pl) control, power, cengkaman: he fell into the ~es of a money-lender, dia terperangkap dlm cengkaman si pemiutang; 3. (in motor vehicle) klac, cekam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
helmetn 1. ancient, medieval or soldier’s head armour, ketopong, topi /baja, besi/; 2. protective head covering made of fibre etc, a. (for motor-cyclists, motorists) topi keledar; b. (for firemen, miners, construction workers, etc) topi keselamatan; 3. (bot) ketopong.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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