heave | <i>vii> 1. <i>rise and fall regularly,i> a. (<i>of chest, shoulders, etci>) turun naik: <i>her bosom was still heaving with emotion,i> dadanya masih turun naik menahan perasaan; b. (<i>of waves, the sea, etci>) beralun-alun, berombak-ombak: <i>the water ~d as though a submarine explosion had taken place,i> air itu beralun-alun seolah-olah letupan kapal selam telah berlaku; c. (<i>of ship, boati>) terlambung-lambung: <i>the ship was heav__ing in the heavy seas,i> kapal itu terlambung-lambung di laut yg bergelora; 2. <i>ret,i> mual, loya: <i>his stomach ~s at the sight of blood,i> perutnya mual apabila melihat darah; 3. <i>pant,i> terengah-engah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |