hold 1 | 6. have capacity for, muat: the car will ~ six people, kereta itu boleh muat enam orang; the cask ~s twenty litres of beer, tong kayu ini muat dua puluh liter bir; 7. contain, berisi: this bag ~s my jewellery, beg ini berisi barang kemas saya; 8. defend, mempertahankan: the troops were unable to ~ their position, askar-askar itu tdk dapat mempertahankan kedudukan mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
admit | 4. accomodate, muat utk: the lift ~s 8 persons, lif itu muat 8 orang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flat1 | and that’s ~, dan tutup cerita: you’re getting no pocket money this week, and that’s ~!, kamu tak dapat wang saku minggu ini, dan tutup cerita; fall ~, tdk menjadi: the joke fell ~, jenaka itu tdk menjadi; fall ~ on o’s face, jatuh /terserembab, tersembam/; fold ~, dapat dilipat leper: the ironing board folds ~ and fits easily in the cupboard, papan seterika itu dapat dilipat leper dan masuk muat-muat dlm almari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | e. fit into, memakai, muat: I must have put on weight as I can’t ~ into my jeans, sudah tentu berat badan saya telah bertambah krn saya tdk dapat memakai seluar jean saya or krn seluar jean saya sudah tdk muat; f. acquire (habit) mendapat: ~ into bad habits, mendapat tabiat buruk; g. associate with, /bercampur, bergaul/ dgn: to ~ into the wrong company, bercampur dgn kumpulan yg tdk baik; h. pass into a particular emotional state, menjadi, naik: to ~ into a temper, naik darah or | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fit1 | ~ in, a. be able to be contained, muat: I ‘ve packed all your clothes in the suitcase, but I’m afraid your books won’t ~ in, semua pakaianmu sudah saya masukkan ke dlm beg, tetapi sayangnya buku-bukumu tdk muat; b. match, be suitable, sesuai, cocok: the visit to the palace ~s in with my plans, lawatan ke istana sesuai dgn rancangan saya; she feels that she does not ~ in with our group, dia berasa dia tdk sesuai dgn kumpulan kita; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contain | vt 1. hold, have in it, mengandungi: the book ~s many interesting articles, buku itu mengandungi banyak rencana yg menarik; the box ~ed six plates, kotak itu mengandungi enam pinggan; orange juice ~s vitamin C, jus oren mengandungi vitamin C; 2. be capable of holding, boleh diisi, muat: the bottle will ~ one pint of milk, botol itu boleh diisi dgn satu pain susu; how many people will this room ~?, berapa orang boleh muat dlm bilik ini?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | it was you who got her into trouble!, kamulah yg membuat dia susah!; ~ st into, a. cause st to arrive at, (ship) melabuhkan sst di; (aircraft) mendaratkan sst di; (train, bus) memandu sst masuk ke: he got the bus into Sydney on time, dia memandu bas itu masuk ke Sydney tepat pd masanya; b. fit st in, memakai sst, sst muat: he couldn’t ~ his swollen feet into the slippers, dia tdk dapat memakai selipar itu krn kakinya bengkak or selipar itu tdk muat krn kakinya bengkak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accommodate | vt 1. adjust, adapt, menyesuaikan: to ~ o’s views to those of o’s colleagues, menyesuaikan pandangan sso dgn pandangan rakan sejawat; to ~ os to new circumstances, menyesuaikan diri (sso) dgn keadaan baru; 2. a. provide (guest) esp with lodging, memberikan penginapan kpd: the hotel can ~ all the participants, hotel itu dapat memberikan penginapan kpd semua peserta; b. put into ( room(s) etc) menempatkan: the inmates are ~d in clean rooms, penghuni-penghuni itu ditempatkan di bilik-bilik yg bersih; 3. have space for, muat: a lift that can ~ twelve people, lif yg muat dua belas orang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
except | conj 1. apart from, kecuali, melainkan: I will do anything ~ clean the toilet, saya akan membuat apa sahaja, kecuali mencuci bilik air; 2. ( colloq ) only, but, hanya, cuma: I would give the shoes to you, ~ they wouldn’t fit you, saya akan memberikan kasut ini kpd kamu, cuma kasut ini tdk muat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exchange | 2. a. give (so., st) in place of (so., st) else, bertukar-tukar; (seats, places) bertukar: the two countries ~d prisoners, kedua-dua negara itu bertukar-tukar orang tawanan; b. replace (st) with (st else) menukarkan: the shop refused to ~ the damaged goods, kedai itu enggan menukarkan barang yg bercacat tersebut; you can ~ these shoes if they don’t fit, kamu boleh menukarkan kasut ini sekiranya tdk muat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |