easy | adv; ~ come, ~ go, (of money) mudah dapat, mudah habis; ~ does it, (colloq) baik-baik, jaga-jaga, hati-hati; go ~, a. (on so.) jangan berkeras: go ~ on the girl; she’s had no experience, remember?, jangan berkeras thdp budak itu; ingat, dia tdk ada pengalaman; b. (on st), [various translations]: go ~ on the brandy; you’ve already had too much to drink, kurangkan minum brandi itu; kamu sudah terlalu banyak minum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delicate | 3. easily broken, getas, mudah pecah: ~ crystal glasses, gelas kristal yg mudah pecah; 4. easily injured, bruised, torn, etc, mudah rosak: ~ plants, tumbuhan mudah rosak; the wings of butterflies are ~, sayap kupu-kupu mudah rosak; 5. (of colour, tone) lembut: a ~ shade of blue, warna biru lembut; 6. (of flavour, taste) manis: fresh meat has a more ~ flavour, daging segar lebih manis rasanya; 7. (of food) not trongly flavoured, tdk terlalu perisa: an invalid needs ~ food, orang yg sakit memerlukan makanan yg tdk terlalu perisa; ~ dishes, hidangan yg tdk terlalu perisa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fragile | adj 1. easily broken, a. (of glass etc) getas, mudah pecah: ~ china, tembikar yg mudah pecah; b. (of bone) mudah patah; c. (of plant) mudah rosak; d. (of relationship) rapuh, mudah putus; 2. weak, a. (of person) lemah, rapuh: a ~ old man, lelaki tua yg lemah; b. (of system) mudah terjejas, tdk kukuh: democracy in this country is ~, demokrasi di negara ini mudah terjejas; 3. (fig.), (colloq) in poor condition, spt nak relai: what did you do last night?. You’re looking very ~ today, apa yg kamu buat malam tadi?. Kamu nampaknya spt nak relai hari ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fickle | adj mudah berubah-ubah (hati), tdk tetap hati; (of weather) mudah berubah-ubah, tdk tetap: she has a ~ disposition, dia mudah berubah-ubah orangnya; a ~ lover, kekasih yg mudah berubah-ubah hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
combustible | adj 1. capable of igniting, mudah terbakar: petrol is highly ~, petrol sangat mudah terbakar; 2. excitable, mudah teruja: a ~ nature, sifat mudah teruja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
easily | adv 1. without difficulty, mudah, senang: stain that is ~ removed, kotoran yg mudah dihapuskan; she is ~ offended, dia mudah tersinggung; 2. without pain, discomfort, dlm keadaan lega: the patient is resting ~ now, pesakit itu sedang berehat dlm keadaan lega; 3. readily, mudah: she smiles ~, dia mudah senyum; 4. at least, sekurang-kurangnya: she is ~ fifty, umurnya sekurang-kurangnya lima puluh tahun; 5. possibly, mungkin: he may ~ change his mind, dia mungkin mengubah fikirannya; 6. undoubtedly, tdk disangsikan lagi: that is ~ the best painting in the room, tdk disangsikan lagi lukisan itulah yg terbaik di dlm bilik ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impressionable | adj a. (of person) mudah terpengaruh: an ~ young girl, gadis yg mudah terpengaruh; b. (of age atc) mudah dipengaruhi: the most ~ years of a child’s life, peringkat umur anak-kanak yg paling mudah dipengaruhi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
easy | adj 1. not difficult (to do, get, achieve, etc) mudah, senang: a passage that is ~ to understand, petikan karangan yg mudah difahami; an ~ task, kerja yg mudah; be ~ prey to, mudah menjadi mangsa kpd; he is not ~ to get on with, tdk mudah bergaul dengannya; 2. comfortable, senang: to have an ~ life, hidup senang; 3. be free from pain, lega: the patient felt ~ after the injection, pesakit itu berasa lega selepas disuntik; 4. relaxed, (of manner etc) bersahaja: gerak lakunya bersahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corruptibility | n 1. capability of being depraved, mudah rosak akhlak: the ~ of human nature, fitrah manusia yg mudah rosak akhlak; 2. susceptibility to bribery, mudah /diberi rasuah, disuap, disogok/; 3. susceptibility to rot, mudah menjadi busuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
facile | adj 1. effortless, mudah: a ~ victory, kemenangan yg mudah; ~ reading, bacaan yg mudah; 2. fluent, lancar: a ~ speaker, penceramah yg lancar; a ~ style of writing, gaya penulisan yg lancar; 3. glib, licik, licin: a ~ liar, penipu yg licik; 4. superficial, cetek: a ~ mind, fikiran yg cetek; 5. (archaic) gentle, easygoing, lembut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |