ineffective | adj 1. not producing desired result, tdk /berkesan, efektif/; (of remedy) tdk /mujarab, mustajab/: the economic sanction was ~, sekatan ekonomi itu tdk berkesan; these so-called remedies are ~, yg dikatakan ubat ini tdk mujarab; 2. inefficient, not capable, tdk /cekap, efektif/: a weak, ~ leader, pemimpin yg lemah dan tdk cekap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
efficacious | adj berkesan; (of medicine, remedy) mujarab, mustajab, manjur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
healer | n 1. (person ) bomoh, dukun, pawang; 2. (st) penawar: time is a great ~, masa ialah penawar yg mujarab. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
effective | adj 1. having an effect, efficient, berkesan, efektif; (so as to be impressive) mengesankan: ~ measures to reduce inflation, langkah-langkah yg berkesan utk mengurangkan inflasi; the choice of colour combination was very ~, pilihan kombinasi warna sangat mengesankan; 2. (of medicine, remedy) mujarab, mustajab, manjur: an ~ ointment for eczema, salap ekzema yg mujarab; 3. operative, mula /berkuat kuasa, dikuatkuasakan/: the law is ~ from the first of January, undang-undang ini mula berkuat kuasa pd satu hari bulan Januari;4. actual, hakiki: the full strength of this battalion is 1,000, but the ~ strength is 800, kekuatan penuh batalion ini ialah 1,000, tetapi kekuatan hakikinya ialah 800; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alchemy | n 1. chemistry of the Middle Ages and sixteenth century, alkimia; 2. miraculous power of transmutation, kesaktian, keajaiban: leaves turned to gold by the ~ of the seasons, daun-daun menguning oleh keajaiban musim; her beauty has a potent ~, kejelitaannya mempunyai kesaktian yg mujarab. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infallible | adj 1. never wrong, tdk /berbuat salah, membuat kesilapan, membuat kesalahan/; (of memory, instinct, judgement, etc) tdk pernah salah: no man is ~, tdk ada manusia yg tdk berbuat salah; he has an ~ memory, ingatannya tdk pernah salah; 2. that has no logical flaw, tdk dapat disangkal: an ~ argument, hujah yg tdk dapat disangkal; 3. that cannot be doubted, tdk dapat disangkal: ~ proof, bukti yg tdk dapat disangkal; 4. certain to produce the right effect, pasti + approp adj or v: an ~ cure for rheumatism, ubat yg pasti mujarab utk reumatisme; ~ methods, kaedah yg pasti berkesan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infallibility | n 1. quality of, a. (never being or doing wrong) tdk / berbuat salah, membuat kesilapan, membuat kesalahan/: he is completely convinced of his ~ as a historian, dia begitu yakin bahawa dia tdk pernah berbuat salah sbg sejarawan; b. (having no logical flaw) tdk dapat disangkal: the ~ of the theory, teori yg tdk dapat disangkal; c. (being indubitable) tdk dapat disangkal: the ~ of the evidence, bukti yg tdk dapat disangkal; d. (being certain to produce the right effect) pasti + approp adj or v: to believe in the~ of folk remedies, percaya bahawa ubat-ubat kampung pasti mujarab; 2. (of the Pope) free from error, /ketidakmungkinan, tdk mungkin/ /melakukan, membuat/ kesilapan: the doctrine of the ~ of the Pope, doktrin ketidakmungkinan Paus melakukan kesilapan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |