full-page | adj /halaman, muka (surat)/ penuh: a ~ advertisement, iklan semuka penuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bookmark(er) | n penanda /buku, muka surat/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
idem | n idem: ~ page 30, idem muka surat 30. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blot | n 1. spot (of ink) tompok (dakwat): a page full of ~s, muka surat yg penuh dgn tompok dakwat; 2. disgrace, cause of reproach, titik hitam: a ~ on his name, titik hitam pd nama baiknya; a ~ on her past, titik hitam pd kehidupan masa silamnya; 3. st that detracts from the excellence of the whole, (sst yg) mencacati: the old godown is a ~ on the landscape, gudang lama itu mencacati pemandangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advert 1 | vi (fml) merujuk: he ~ed to the clause on page two, dia merujuk klausa pd muka surat dua. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bottom | n 1. the lowest part, a. (gen) bahagian bawah: the ~ of the page, bahagian bawah muka surat; the ~ of the wall, bahagian bawah dinding itu; b. (of hill, mountain) kaki; c. (of container) dasar: the dregs have sunk to the ~ of the glass, keladak telah mendap ke dasar gelas; /at, from, to/ the ~, /di, dr, ke/ bawah; 2. underside, /bahagian, sebelah/ bawah: the ~ of the plank was infested with termites, bahagian bawah papan itu penuh dgn anai-anai; the ~ of the kettle was dirty, bahagian bawah cerek itu kotor; 3. ground under a body of water, dasar: the ~ of the sea, dasar laut; the river ~, dasar sungai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blank | adj 1. not written or printed on, kosong: a ~ sheet of paper, sehelai kertas kosong; a ~ page, muka surat yg kosong; come up against a ~ wall, menemui kebuntuan; 2. not filled in or for filling in, kosong: a ~ form, borang kosong; a ~ ballot paper, kertas undi yg kosong; a ~ space, ruang kosong; 3. showing no expression, kosong: a ~ look, pandangan kosong; 4. disconcerted, termangu-mangu, terpinga-pinga: she looked ~, dia kelihatan termangu-mangu; 5. utter, complete, a. (of refusal, rejection, etc) bulat-bulat; b. (of astonishment) betul-betul, benar-benar; 6. devoid of ideas, kosong: his mind suddenly went ~, fikirannya tiba-tiba menjadi kosong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
begin | vi 1. start, bermula; (foll a pron) memulakan: I will ~ at page seven, saya akan bermula pd muka surat tujuh; before the rainy season ~s..., sebelum musim hujan bermula...; are we all ready?. Then I’ll ~, sudahkah kita semua bersedia? Bolehlah saya mulakan; 2. be started, bermula, dimulakan: the rehearsal began at nine, raptai itu bermula pd pukul sembilan; 3. come into being, bermula, mula wujud: when the world began, ketika dunia mula wujud; 4. have starting point, bermula: the alphabet ~s with A, abjad bermula dgn huruf A; the river ~s in the Alps, sungai itu bermula di pergunungan Alp; 5. start to say, speak, mula berkata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
across | 2. (rel to position) from side to side of, melintang: lie ~ the bed, berbaring melintang katil; a line ~ the page, garis melintang di muka surat; 3. through, merentasi: the path ~ the bog, jalan kecil yg merentasi paya gambut; 4. extending over, merentangi: a rope was stretched ~ the road, seutas tali diregangkan merentangi jalan; the bridge ~ the canyon, jambatan yg merentangi lurah curam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | 7. occupy a particular position, place in space or time, [not translated]: Tuesday ~s after Monday, hari Selasa selepas hari Isnin; this paragraph ~s on page 10, perenggan ini pd muka surat 10; the letter “a” ~s before the letter “b” in the alphabet, dlm abjad, huruf “a” sebelum huruf “b”; her horse came second in the race, kudanya mendapat tempat kedua dlm perlumbaan itu; my wife ~s first and my children second, saya mengutamakan isteri saya drpd anak-anak saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |