first | at ~, pd mulanya, (pd) mula-mulanya: at ~ he seemed shy, pd mulanya, dia kelihatan malu; from the (very) ~, dr mulanya (lagi): from the ~, he was against the plan, dr mulanya, dia menentang rancangan itu; from ~ to last, dr mula hingga akhir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
initially | adv pada mulanya, mula-mula; (used with “what”, “who”, etc) mula-mula: I did not like him ~, pada mulanya, saya tdk suka akan dia; ~, everything went well, mula-mula, semuanya berjalan lancar; I cannot recall what ~ was the problem, saya tdk dapat mengingat kembali apakah mulamula masalah itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inception | n (fml) permulaan, mulanya, dimulakan; (of organization, institution, etc) penubuhan: the enterprise has been a failure since its ~, perusahaan itu gagal dr mulanya; he joined the party at its ~ in 1936, dia menjadi ahli parti itu sejak penubuhannya pd tahun 1936. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
begin | to ~ with, a. at first, mula-mula, pd mulanya: everything went well to ~ with and then it started to rain, pd mulanya semuanya berjalan lancar, tiba-tiba hujan pun turun; b. in the first place, pertama-tama(nya): to ~ with, he lacks experience, pertama-tamanya, dia kurang pengalaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instance | at /so’s ~, the ~ of so./, (fml), (at so’s request) atas permintaan sso: I did it at the ~ of my colleagues, saya melakukannya atas permintaan rakan-rakan sekerja saya; for ~, misalnya, umpamanya, contohnya; in the first ~, (in the first place) pertamanya, pertama-tamanya; (initially) pd /mulanya, mula-mulanya/: we should have made sure the calculations were correct, in the first ~, pertamanya, kita sepatutnya memastikan bahawa kiraan itu betul; in the first ~ we were very happy with the results but later had misgivings, pd mula-mulanya kami gembira dgn keputusan itu, tetapi kemudiannya kami berasa ragu-ragu; in this ~, dlm /perkara, hal/ ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beginning | /at, in/ the ~, pd /mulanya, permulaannya/; at the ~ of, pd /permulaan, awal/; from ~ to end, dr /mula, awal/ hingga akhir; make a ~, memulakan; (right) from the (very) ~, dr /mula(-mula), awal(-awal)/ lagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fizzle | ~ out, (colloq), [various translations]: the play was exciting in the beginning but eventually ~d out, pd mulanya drama itu menyeronokkan tetapi makin lama makin hambar; interest in the new car soon ~d out, minat pd kereta baru itu tdk lama kemudian hilang begitu sahaja; their relationship which started passionately ~d out once the novelty wore off, hubungan mereka yg pd mulanya penuh berahi lama kelamaan mati apabila kemanisannya hilang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incredulous | adj tdk percaya; (attrib), (seolah-olah) tdk percaya: he was ~ at first, pd mulanya, dia seolah-olah tdk percaya; she gave him an ~ smile, dia tersenyum seolah-olah tdk percaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eat | he was very cold towards her at first, but she soon had him ~ing out of her hand, pd mulanya lelaki itu begitu dingin terhadapnya, tetapi tdk lama kemudian, dia tunduk kepadanya; what’s ~ing so., (colloq) apa kena (dgn) sso: I realise he hasn’t been himself but don’t ask me what’s ~ing him, saya sedar dia tdk spt biasa, tetapi jangan tanya saya apa kena (dgn) dia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creep | ~ in, [various translations]: it was at first an intellectual argument but personal prejudices began to ~ in, pd mulanya perbincangan itu merupakan perbincangan intelektual tetapi prasangka peribadi mula menular masuk; even in the interior, elements of western culture had crept in, unsur-unsur budaya barat telah meresap masuk walaupun di kawasan pedalamannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |