emerge | vi 1. come up out of a liquid, timbul; 2. come into view, muncul; (of a group of things together) bermunculan: a ship ~d from the fog, sebuah kapal muncul dr kabut itu; night fell and the stars ~d, malam menjelang dan bintang-bintang pun bermunculan; 3. come out, membebaskan diri: he ~d from the ordeal with dignity, dia dapat membebaskan diri drpd cubaan berat itu tanpa menjejaskan maruahnya;4. become known, timbul, muncul, keluar, terbit: after much enquiry, the terrible facts ~d, selepas penyiasatan yg rapi, muncullah fakta-fakta yg mengerikan itu;several interesting facts ~d in the course of our research, beberapa fakta yg menarik timbul semasa kami menjalankan penyelidikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ out, a. move outside, keluar: he came out of the room with a file under his arm, dia keluar dr bilik itu sambil mengepit fail; b. be removed, tanggal, hilang; (of colour) turun: the coffee stain will ~ out quite easily, kesan kopi itu akan tanggal dgn mudah; the colour came out when I washed the material, warna kain itu turun semasa saya membasuhnya; c. be freed (from gaol etc) keluar: he will be coming out of prison soon, dia akan keluar dr penjara tdk lama lagi; d. appear (of sun) keluar, muncul; e. flower, berbunga; f. bloom, berkembang, mekar: the roses are all coming out, bunga-bunga mawar sedang berkembang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first | b. most importantly, pertama-tama, pertama sekali: he’s appeared in several films but ~ of all he’s a stage actor, dia muncul dlm beberapa filem tetapi pertama-tama, dia ialah pelakon pentas; c. initially, mula-mula: ~ of all I didn’t suspect anything, but as time went on I began to get worried, mula-mula saya tdk mengesyaki apa-apa tentangnya tetapi lama kelamaan saya mula bimbang; ~ off, mula-mula: ~ off I want to know what you want to spend it on, mula-mula saya hendak tahu kamu hendak membeli apa dengannya; at ~, mula-mula: at ~ I didn’t like durian but now I do, mula-mula saya tdk suka akan durian tetapi sekarang saya suka; last in, ~ out, masuk kemudian keluar dulu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |