apostasy | n 1. renunciation of o’s religion, /keluar drpd, meninggalkan/ agama; (in Islam) kemurtadan, murtad: they were forced to choose between death and ~, mereka terpaksa memilih antara mati atau murtad; 2. abandonment, a. (of ideology, principles, etc) pengkhianatan, mengkhianati; b. (of party, cause, etc) pembelotan, berpaling tadah, membelot: a political ~, berpaling tadah thdp pegangan politik; to be accused of ~, dituduh membelot. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apostate, | adj 1. guilty of renouncing o’s religion, /keluar drpd, meningggalkan/ agama; (in Islam) murtad: an ~ missionary, mubaligh yg keluar drpd agama; 2. guilty of abandoning, a. (ideology, principles, etc) mengkhianati + approp n; b. (party, cause, etc) berpaling tadah, membelot: the ~ members of a political party,ahli parti politik yg berpaling tadah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apostate, | n 1. so. who renounces his religion,orang yg /keluar drpd agama, meninggalkan agama/; (in Islam) orang yang murtad; 2. so. who abandons, a. (ideology, principles, etc) orang yg mengkhianati + approp n; b. (cause, party, etc) pembelot, orang yg berpaling tadah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impiety | n 1. lack of, a. (reverence for God) tdk ber iman: the older people accused him of ~ and blasphemy, orang-orang tua menuduhnya tdk beriman dan murtad; b. (dutifulness) tdk /menaruh rasa hormat, menghormati/; 2. impious act, perbuatan ingkar: he was punished for his impieties, dia dihukum krn melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan yg ingkar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |