choice | n 1. act of choosing, pemilihan, memilih: the ~ of vice-president was left to the executive committee, pemilihan naib presiden diserahkan kpd jawatankuasa eksekutif; 2. thing, person chosen, pilihan: be careful in your ~ of partner, hati-hati dlm memilih teman; our first ~, pilihan pertama kami; 3. privilege, power to select, pilihan: he is my ~ for the position, dialah pilihan saya utk jawatan itu; 4. variety from which to select, pilihan: there was a wide ~ of materials on display, terdapat pilihan kain yg banyak yg dipamerkan; you have only two ~s, kamu hanya ada dua pilihan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interview | n 1. formal discussion (between applicant for a job, scholarship, etc and employer etc) temu duga: 60 applicants turned up for the ~, 60 pemohon datang utk menghadiri temu duga itu; 2. conversation between journalist and person whose views are sought, temu bual, temu ramah, wawancara; (in published form) wawancara; (press conference) sidang akhbar: The Vice-Chancellor said in an ~ that..., dlm temu bual itu, Naib Canselor berkata bahawa...; the President invited the press to an ~, Presiden tersebut menjemput para wartawan menghadiri sidang akhbar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
he | pron 1. (replacing name of male person referred to) a. [as subj of act. v] dia: ~ wrote a letter to the manager, dia menulis surat kpd pengurus; b. [as agent of pass. v] nya: the letter which ~ wrote ..., surat yg ditulisnya; 2. (respectful, for distinguished male person) a. (gen) beliau: I would like to speak to the Vice-Chancellor, if ~ has time, saya ingin berjumpa dgn Naib Canselor, kalau beliau ada waktu; b. (for sovereign ruler or ex-ruler, crown prince, prophet of Islam, caliph) baginda: when he Emperor of Japan visited the factory, ~ was impressed, sewaktu Maharaja Jepun melawat ke kilang tersebut, baginda sangat tertawan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accession | n 1. act of acceding, a. (to the throne) also ~ to the throne, naik ke takhta kerajaan, naik takhta, naiknya [baginda] ke takhta kerajaan: he was only nineteen at the time of his ~ (to the throne) baginda baru berusia sembilan belas tahun pd waktu baginda naik takhta; b. ( to office) menjadi, (mula) memegang jawatan: before his ~ to the post of Vice-Chancellor, sebelum dia menjadi Naib Canselor; c. (to power), (mula) memegang, (mula) ber [kuasa]: after Hitler’s ~ to power, setelah Hitler mula memegang kuasa; 2. (leg.) increase, pertambahan: ~ to property, pertambahan harta; 3. addition, (approp n +) tambahan: a list of new ~s to the library, senarai (bahan bacaan) tambahan baru utk perpustakaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hash | vt also ~ up, 1. mencencang; 2. (fig. ), (colloq), [various translations]: if you’re too nervous during the interview, you’ll ~ it up, kalau kamu terlalu gugup semasa temu duga itu kamu akan membuat banyak kesilapan; he ~ed up his chances of becoming vice-president, dia telah merosakkan peluangnya utk menjadi naib presiden. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |