dander | n (colloq); get o’s ~ up, naik /angin, marah/; get so’s ~ up, /menyebabkan, menjadikan/ sso naik /angin, marah/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fit2 | ~s of /laughter, crying/, sekejap-sekejap /ketawa, menangis/: after her father’s death she kept having ~s of crying, selepas bapanya meninggal, dia sekejap-sekejap menangis; /by, in /~s and starts, sekejap(-sekejap) + approp v sekejap(-sekejap) tidak: if you’re going to learn a language there’s no use studying it in ~s and starts, jika kamu hendak belajar sst bahasa, tdk ada gunanya sekejap belajar sekejap tidak; give so. a ~, membuat [sso] terkejut; have a fainting ~, tiba-tiba jatuh pengsan; have so. in ~s, membuat sso ketawa pecah perut; /have, throw/ a ~, (colloq) a. be shocked, terkejut; b. be livid, naik /angin, berang/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
balloon | vi 1. ascend, travel in a balloon, naik belon; 2. swell out, menggelembung, menggembung, mengembung, mengepuh, melembung: her skirt ~ed in the wind, skirtnya menggelembung ditiup angin; 3. (of ball) go high into the air, melambung tinggi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flame | ~ up, a. burn again, bernyala semula: the dying fire ~d up when the wind changed direction, api yg mulai padam itu bernyala semula apabila angin bertukar arah; b. increase in anger, naik darah: he ~d up at the state of the room, dia naik darah apabila melihat keadaan bilik itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flap | vi 1. flutter, berkibas-kibas; (of flag) berkibar-kibar, berkibaran: the flags ~ped in the wind, bendera itu berkibaran ditiup angin; 2. fly with flapping wings, terbang (dgn mengibas-ngibaskan sayap): we heard a hornbill ~ping through the forest, kami terdengar bunyi burung enggang terbang melalui hutan; 3. (colloq) become flustered, naik /gelabah, gelisah, resah/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fly1 | 6. leave in great hurry, pergi segera; (in order to escape from captivity) lari: you’ll have to ~ if you want to catch that train, kamu mesti pergi segera kalau kamu hendak naik kereta api itu; when we got back we discovered that our prisoner had flown, apabila kami balik, kami dapati tahanan telah lari; 7. pass swiftly, berlalu dgn cepat: time flies!, masa berlalu dgn cepat!; 8. (of rumours etc) tersebar: her appearance in company with a different man started the rumours ~ing, kemunculannya bersama lelaki lain menyebabkan khabar angin tersebar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fluff | vt 1. also ~ up, a. pat (st) until soft and fluffy, menepuk-nepuk: let me ~ up your pillows for you, mari saya tepuk-tepuk bantal kamu; b. cause to stand on end, meremangkan: the bird ~ed up its feathers in the cold wind, burung itu meremangkan bulunya semasa angin sejuk bertiup; c. shake or brush until fluffy, menggebukan: she ~ed up her hair, dia menggebukan rambutnya; d. beat (egg-white) until fluffy, pukul [sst] hingga /kembang, naik/; 2. (colloq), bungle, [various translations]: he ~ed his opening line, dia membuat kesilapan dlm baris pembukaannya; it was an easy catch, and he ~ed it, bola itu seharusnya dapat ditangkap dgn mudah, tetapi terlepas dr tangannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |