force | ~ st up, (price), (act.) menyebabkan [harga] naik, menaikkan [harga]; (pass.) [harga] naik: the government ~d up the price of tobacco, kerajaan menaikkan harga tembakau; petrol prices were ~d up by the crisis in the Middle East, harga minyak naik krn krisis di Timur Tengah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jump | lain; impatient to find out how the story ended, she ~ed to the last chapter, krn tdk sabar utk mengetahui kesudahan cerita itu, dia melompat ke bab akhir; 6. rise suddenly, melambung naik, /meningkat, bertambah/ dgn /tiba-tiba, mendadak/; (of price, rent, etc), /melambung, melompat/ naik, naik dgn /tiba-tiba, mendadak/: exports ~ed last year, eksport melambung naik tahun lepas; the population ~ed to 16,000,000, jumlah penduduk meningkat dgn tiba-tiba ke 16,000,000; due to the sudden increase in demand, the price of palm oil ~ed sharply, oleh sebab permintaan bertambah dgn tiba-tiba, harga minyak sawit melambung naik; 7. (of heart) berdebar-debar: her heart ~ed at the sight of him, hatinya berdebar-debar apabila terpandang lelaki itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
climb | vi 1. slope upwards, mendaki, menanjak: the road ~s at that point, jalan mendaki dr tempat itu; 2. rise, naik; (of sun) meninggi: the aircraft ~ed to 5,000 metres, kapal terbang itu naik ke paras 5,000 meter; 3. clamber, memanjat: they ~ed one after the other, mereka memanjat seorang lepas seorang; the cat ~ed onto the roof, kucing itu memanjat naik ke bumbung; I thought I saw a man ~ out of the window, saya rasa saya nampak seorang lelaki memanjat keluar dr tingkap itu; 4. increase, meningkat, naik: oil prices have ~ed rapidly, harga minyak telah meningkat dgn cepatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flame | vi 1. emit flame or flames, bernyala: an oil lamp ~d, lampu minyak bernyala; the fire ~d and crackled, api itu bernyala dan meretih; 2. glow like flame, bersemarak: the sunset ~d in the western sky, cahaya senja bersemarak di langit sebelah barat; the garden was flaming with colour, taman itu bersemarak penuh warna-warni; 3. redden, naik merah: her face ~d with embarrassment, mukanya naik merah akibat malu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |