fortunately | adv nasib baik, mujurlah, untunglah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
good | do you think sex education is a ~ thing?, pd pendapat kamu, adakah pendidikan seks sst yg baik?; be a ~ thing (that), nasib baik, mujur, elok juga, baik juga: it was a ~ thing that I was still awake when the fire broke out, nasib baik saya belum tidur semasa kebakaran berlaku; all in ~ time, tunggulah /masanya, waktunya/: whenever we ask him when he’s getting married he’s answers, “All in ~ time”, setiap kali kami bertanya padanya bila dia | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
job | a (bloody, jolly, very, etc) good /~, thing/, (colloq) nasib baik(lah), untung(lah), mujur(lah): it’s a good ~ you didn’t buy the watch; it’s a fake!, mujur kamu tak beli; jam itu palsu!; give st up as a bad ~, (colloq) tdk mahu meneruskan usaha itu lagi: after weeks of trying to assemble the model plane he gave it up as a bad ~, setelah berminggu mencuba memasang model kapal terbang itu, dia tdk mahu meneruskan usaha itu lagi; give so. up as a bad ~, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | a bad ~, nasib yg /malang, buruk/; a lucky ~, a. good opportunity, peluang yg baik, kesempatan; b. good luck, nasib baik, tuah; get all the ~s, a. get all the opportunities, selalu mendapat peluang; b. get all the good luck, selalu bernasib baik; give so. a ~, a. not harass so., /membiarkan, tdk mendesak/ sso; b. give opportunity, memberi sso /kesempatan, peluang/, memberikan /peluang, kesempatan/ kpd sso; make a ~, (lari) meluru: three prisoners at the end of the line tried to make a ~ for the woods, tiga orang tahanan di hujung barisan mencuba meluru ke hutan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cushion | n 1. soft, padded pillow or case, kusyen: she knelt on the ~ to pray, dia berlutut di atas kusyen utk berdoa; the ~s on these chairs need replacing, kusyen kerusi ini perlu ditukar; 2. st that acts like a pad, kusyen; (of moss, grass) lembut spt kusyen: ~ of air, kusyen udara; steam left in the cylinder acts as a ~ for the piston, stim yg masih ada di dlm silinder itu bertindak sbg kusyen kpd omboh; fortunately he fell on a ~ of wet moss, nasib baik dia jatuh di atas lumut yg basah yg lembut spt kusyen; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hard | ~ luck, (colloq) nasib tak baik; ~ luck story, kisah malang; a ~ nut to crack, /orang, sst/ yg sukar + approp v: the problem of unemployment is a ~ nut to crack, masalah pengangguran ialah sst yg sukar diatasi; my mother-in-law is a ~ nut to crack, ibu mertua saya ialah orang yg sukar dipujuk; the ~ way, a. the least convenient method etc, dgn cara yg /susah, sukar/: even though there are so many electrical gadgets in the house she prefers to do things the ~ way, walaupun terdapat banyak alat elektrik di rumah, dia lebih suka bekerja dgn cara yg sukar; b. by going through bitter experience, setelah melalui pengalaman pahit: she rose to her present position the ~ way, dia naik ke kedudukannya sekarang setelah melalui pengalaman pahit; take a ~ look at st, examine st closely, mengkaji sst secara mendalam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fortune | win a ~, memenangi wang yg banyak; worth a ~, sangat berhaga; 2. fate, destiny, nasib: we must accept such incidents as the ~s of war, kita mesti menerima peristiwa spt itu sbg nasib semasa perang; it was his ~ to fail, although he nearly succeeded, sudah nasibnya dia gagal, walaupun dia hampir-hampir berjaya; F~ smiles on /so., st/, nasib menyebelahi /sso, sst/; seek o’s ~, merantau mencari untung nasib; tell so’s, ~, /menilik, menengok, menenung/ nasib sso; 3. chance, luck, nasib: he tried his ~ at the roulette table, dia mencuba nasibnya di meja roulette; by a stroke of ~, krn bernasib baik; have the good ~, bernasib baik, beruntung: she had the good ~ to travel far and wide, dia bernasib baik dapat mengembara jauh; have the ill ~, bernasib malang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fortunate | adj 1. lucky, having good luck, bernasib baik, beruntung: he was ~ to escape capture, dia bernasib baik krn tdk ditangkap; I have been ~ in my children, saya beruntung mendapat anak-anak yg baik; at a ~ time, kena pd masanya: he came at a very ~ time, dia datang kena pd masanya; it was ~ for so., /untunglah, nasib baiklah, mujurlah/ (sso, bagi sso): it was ~ for Agnes that her son was at school at that time, untunglah Agnes, anak lelakinya berada di sekolah pd masa itu; 2. bringing good luck, menguntungkan: a ~ investment, pelaburan yg menguntungkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cast | ~ a horoscope, meramalkan nasib; ~ a shadow on (st), (lit.) membayangi (sst); ~ a slur on so’s reputation, mencemarkan nama baik sso, memburuk-burukkan (nama sso); ~ a spell on, put a spell on, menyihir; ~ a vote, membuang undi; ~ adrift, menghanyutkan; ~ an eye (over), melihat /sepintas lalu, sekali imbas/; ~ anchor, melabuhkan sauh; be ~ ashore, terdampar di pantai; ~ aspersions on, melemparkan celaan thdp; ~ in o’s lot with, turut mengadu untung dgn; ~ lots, mencabut undi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | vi 1. not give way, bertahan: fortunately, the anchor held, mujurlah sauh itu dapat bertahan; will the rope ~ in the storm?, bolehkah tali itu bertahan semasa ribut?; 2. continue, berterusan: let’s hope the good weather ~s, diharapkan cuaca baik ini berterusan; 3. continue to be fine, terus baik: if my luck ~s I will win this game as well, kalau nasib saya terus baik saya akan menang juga dlm perlawanan ini; 4. also ~ good, a. (of an offer, invitation, etc) tdk berubah; b. (of law, rule, etc) dikenakan: the same requirement ~s for citizens as well as non-citizens, syarat yg sama dikenakan kpd warganegara dan bukan warganegara; c. (of philosophy, belief, etc) boleh digunakan; d. (of hypothesis, argument, etc) kukuh, boleh dipertahankan; 5. (imper) wait, tunggu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |