accessible | be ~ to, a. be easily reached or entered by, /boleh, dapat/ didatangi; b. able to be used, known, etc, /boleh, dapat/ + approp v: these old manuscripts are ~ to a limited few, naskhah-naskhah lama ini boleh dimanfaatkan hanya oleh beberapa orang tertentu; his private collection is now ~ to the public, koleksi peribadinya itu kini boleh dilihat oleh orang ramai; knowledge that is ~ to all, ilmu pengetahuan yg dapat diperoleh semua orang; c. be open to, terbuka kpd: a system of higher education that is ~ to all, sistem pelajaran tinggi yg terbuka kpd semua orang; d. be approachable to, mudah dihubungi: a leader who is ~ to his followers, seorang pemimpin yg mudah dihubungi oleh penyokong-penyokongnya; e. be open to the influence of, mudah + approp v: to be ~ to bribery, mudah disuap; to be ~ to pity, mudah berasa kasihan; to be ~ to argument, mudah menerima (baik) hujah-hujah (orang lain). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
camera ready copy | n naskhah sedia kamera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
as | the publisher will have to accept the manuscript ~ it is, penerbit terpaksa menerima naskhah itu dlm keadaan begini saja; ~ of, see ~ from; ~ per, menurut, mengikut; ~ so. /likes, wishes, etc/, /sekehendak, sesuka/ hati sso; ~ though, see ~ if; ~ to, tentang, berkenaan dgn; (preceding pron), [various translations]: ~ to your request for better facilities..., tentang permohonan kamu utk mendapat kemudahan yg lebih baik...; ~ to me, I prefer to wait, kalau saya, saya lebih suka menunggu; ~ to you, I think you’d better leave, kamu pula, lebih baiklah kamu pergi; ~ was, dulunya: Jill Sutanto (Jill Cridland ~ was), Jill Sutanto (dulunya Jill Cridland); ~ you were, balik semula; it is not ~ if, bukan: it’s not ~ if he were ill, dia bukanlah sakit; it looks ~ if..., nampaknya, kelihatan: it looks ~ if the war is going to end soon, nampaknya perang akan tamat tdk lama lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gratis | adj & adv (dgn) percuma: he gave us copies of the book ~, dia memberi kami beberapa naskhah buku itu dgn percuma. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inscribed | adj bearing the author’s signature, bertandatangan: he sent her an ~ copy of his new novel, dia mengirimkan naskhah novel yg bertandatangan kpd gadis itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
authenticate | vt 1. establish genuineness of, mengesahkan ketulenan: the manuscript was ~d by several experts, naskhah itu telah disahkan ketulenannya oleh beberapa orang pakar; 2. establish truth of, membuktikan kebenaran: to ~ a story, membuktikan kebenaran sst cerita; 3. give legal validity to, mengesahkan: to ~ a will, mengesahkan wasiat; to ~ a hypothesis, mengesahkan suatu hipotesis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
copy | n 1. reproduction of an original, salinan: make three copies of the letter, buat tiga salinan surat itu; certified ~, salinan yg sah; 2. imitation, tiruan: her dress is a ~ of a Paris model, bajunya adalah tiruan model Paris; 3. specimen, naskhah; (of photograph) keping: they ordered 500 copies of the book, mereka memesan 500 naskhah buku itu; a second-hand ~, naskhah terpakai; 4. material for publication, kopi: the feature writer is late with his ~, penulis rencana terlewat menghantar kopinya; fair ~, kopi bersih; good ~, bahan berita yg menarik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
desk | n 1. (piece of furniture) meja (tulis); 2. (in a public building), (service counter), kaunter (table) meja; (for receptionist), /kaunter meja/ penyambut tetamu; (for cashier), /kaunter meja/ pembayaran: information ~, meja penerangan; hotel guests checking in at the ~, tetamu-tetamu hotel yg sedang mendaftarkan diri di kaunter penyambut tetamu; 3. (attrib) meja: ~ calendar, kalendar meja; ~ copy, naskhah meja; ~ diary, buku harian meja; ~ job, pekerjaan dlm pejabat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circulation | n 1. flow, movement through a circuit, peredaran: the ~ of air through the pipes, peredaran udara melalui paip-paip itu; 2. movement of blood through the body, peredaran darah: his ~ was poor, peredaran darahnya lemah; 3. dissemination, penyebaran; (number of copies regularly sold) edaran: the ~ of such rumours will only fan public resentment against the ailing government, penyebaran khabar angin spt itu akan hanya memarakkan rasa marah orang ramai thdp kerajaan yg semakin lemah itu; the newspaper has a wide ~, akhbar itu mempunyai edaran yg luas; a magazine with a ~ of 100,000, majalah yg mempunyai edaran sebanyak 100,000 naskhah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |