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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata natural 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

instinctn 1. natural tendency of person, animal to behave in particular way, naluri: an ~ for survival, naluri utk terus hidup; young mammals suckle by ~, anak mamalia menyusu mengikut naluri; paternal ~, naluri kebapaan; 2. inclination, rasa hati: my first ~ was to punch him on the nose, ikut rasa hati, saya hendak menumbuk hidungnya; ~ told him to run, ikut rasa hati, dia hendak lari; 3. natural, acquired talent or aptitude, intuition, gerak hati, intuisi: she knew, by ~, that it would not be the last time she would see him, drpd gerak hatinya, dia tahu bahawa itu bukanlah kali terakhir dia akan bertemu dgn lelaki tersebut; to rely on o’s ~, bergantung kpd gerak hati sso; have an ~ for (doing st) tahu saja: he seems to have an ~ for saying the right thing, dia nampaknya tahu saja apa yg sesuai utk dikatakannya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
free-rangeadj 1. kept under natural conditions,ternak lepas: ~ hens, ayam lepas; 2. produced by hens kept in natural conditions, ayam ternak lepas: ~ eggs, telur ayam ternak lepas.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flavourn 1. (natural, innate) rasa; (added) perisa: French cheeses all have their own ~, semua keju Perancis mempunyai rasa yg tersendiri; the cake had a vanilla ~, kek itu berperisa vanila; 2. (fig.) bau: the story has a romantic ~, cerita itu berbau asmara;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
corollaryn 1. natural outcome, ekoran, akibat: misery is the ~ of war, penderitaan adalah ekoran drpd peperangan; 2. immediate deduction, inference, natijah, kesimpulan: a ~ of the previous proposition satu natijah drpd usul terdahulu; 3. (math) korolari.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
complexionn 1. natural colour, appearance of skin, kulit (mukanya): a fair ~, kulit cerah; a dark ~, kulit gelap; 2. general character, wajah: the defeat suffered at the hands of the enemy changed the ~ of the war, kekalahan di tangan musuh mengubah wajah peperangan itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cataclysmn 1. natural catastrophe, bencana alam; 2. catastrophe, bencana: the whole city was wiped out in the ~, seluruh kota musnah akibat bencana itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fibre, (US) fibern 1. natural or synthetic filament, serat, gentian; (of fruit) serabut, serat: cotton ~ is spun into thread, serat kapas dipintal menjadi benang; 2. cloth made from such material, kain; 3. texture or structure of material, daging: cloth of coarse ~, kain yg kasar dagingnya; 4. esp moral ~, perwatakan; be of strong moral ~, berperwatakan kuat; lack moral ~, berperwatakan lemah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
kind2n 1. natural grouping, jenis: the rabbit ~, jenis arnab; human ~, manusia; 2. (of person) a. group with common traits or interests, jenis, macam: people of many different ~s, berbagai-bKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
geniusn 1. person with exceptional ability, genius: a ~ like Einstein, genius spt Einstein; 2. exceptional creative ability, bakat luar biasa: Mozart’s musical ~, bakat luar biasa Mozart dlm bidang muzik; 3. natural aptitude, bakat, kecenderungan semula jadi: she has a ~ for learning languages, dia mempunyai bakat dlm mempelajari bahasa; 4. one who has natural ability, orang yg berbakat: he is a ~ at negotiations, dia seorang yg berbakat dlm hal-hal perundingan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flight1n 1. act, manner of flying, penerbangan, terbang: ~ is natural to most birds, semula jadinya kebanyakan burung boleh terbang; the ~ of a bee, penerbangan lebah; in ~, (semasa) sedang terbang; 2. path, route of arrow, missile, etc, jalan; 3. journey made by flying or aircraft performing such a journey, penerbangan: a non-stop ~ from Kuala Lumpur to Jakarta, penerbangan terus dr Kuala Lumpur ke Jakarta; ~ MH 710 has been delayed, penerbangan MH 710 terlewat; the spring ~ of migratory birds, penerbangan burung-burung penghijrah dlm musimKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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