in extremis | adv (fml) 1. about to die, sedang nazak; 2. in extreme circumstances, apabila terdesak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
agony | ~ column, ruangan duka; (be in) an ~ of despair, dlm keadaan putus /asa, harapan/; (be in) an ~ of doubt, (dlm) keadaan serba salah; ~ of mind, keseksaan /jiwa, batin/; (be in) an ~ of remorse, /(rasa) sesal, penyesalan/ yg amat sangat; death ~, nazak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gasp | n sharp intake of breath, a. (from exhaustion) cungapan; in ~s, tercungap-cungap; b. (from astonishment, amazement, shock, etc) bunyi nafas tertahan: several ~s were audible, kedengaran bunyi nafas tertahan; at o’s last ~, (colloq) a. at the point of death, sedang nazak; b. on the point of exhaustion, hampir setengah mati: he was at his last ~ after the game, dia setengah mati selepas permainan itu; fight to the last ~, (colloq) bertempur habis-habisan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |