daredevil | adj nekad: ~ acts, persembahan yg nekad; a ~ attitude towards life, sikap nekad thdp kehidupan; a ~ fellow, seorang yg nekad; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
do-or-die | adj nekad: the last battle would be a ~ attempt, pertempuran akhir itu merupakan percubaan nekad. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dauntless | adj tdk tahu gentar, /amat, sangat, sungguh/ berani; (of courage) nekad: a ~ leader, seorang pemimpin yg tdk tahu gentar; ~ courage,keberanian yg nekad. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
daring | adj 1. (gen) berani; (involving great risks) nekad: a ~ idea, idea yg berani; a ~ novel, novel yg berani; ~ stuntmen, pencabar maut yg nekad; 2. (of dress) menjolok mata; 3. (of neckline) terlalu mendedahkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
daredevil | n (orang yg) nekad. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
derring-do | n (liter.) keberanian; deeds of ~, perbuatan yg /nekad, sangat berani/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forlorn | adj 1. desolate, pilu, sayu; (of person) kelihatan /pilu, sayu/: a ~ child wandering around the department store, anak yg kelihatan pilu merayau-rayau di pasar raya itu; he heard a ~ cry, dia terdengar laungan yg pilu; 2. (of place) forsaken, terbiar: they found shelter in an old, ~ hut, mereka mendapat perlindungan di sebuah pondok yg buruk dan terbiar; 3. desperate, nekad: a ~ attempt to equalize the score, percubaan yg nekad utk menyamakan kedudukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
escape | n 1. act of, a. (escaping from a place or situation), (perbuatan) /melarikan, melepaskan/ diri: the attempted ~ was foiled by the warders, percubaan utk melarikan diri itu digagalkan oleh pengawal; make /an, o’s /~, /melepaskan, melarikan/ diri: they made a daring ~ through the forest, mereka melarikan diri dgn nekad melalui hutan; b. (avoiding st dangerous or unpleasant) terselamat: he had a very lucky ~ from death, dia bernasib baik dan terselamat drpd maut; have a narrow ~, /nyaris(-nyaris), cemas-cemas, hampir(-hampir) / [nahas]: she had a narrow ~ when an army truck rammed into her car, dia nyaris-nyaris nahas semasa trak tentera menghentam keretanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
just | tdk akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang; 7. (colloq) imply, [not translated]: I ~ know that he was telling the truth, saya tahu bahawa dia bercakap benar; you ~ have to be patient, kamu mestilah bersabar; the whole thing is ~ absurd!, semuanya itu tdk masuk akal!; 8. (used to emphasize a command) cuba: ~ look at his dirty hands!, cuba lihat tangannya yg kotor itu!; ~ listen to that!, cuba dengar itu!; 9. indeed, memang: “he’s daring, isn’t he?” “Isn’t he ~!”, “dia nekad, bukan?” “Memang!”; “I say we sang very well” “Didn’t we ~!”, “Saya rasa kita bernyanyi dgn baik tadi” “Memang!”; 10. exactly, precisely, [not translated ]; (rel to time) tepat; (rel to place) betul-betul; (used with “like”) betul-betul: it was ~ what she wanted, itulah yg dia mahu; ~ how many people are | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |