abnormal | adj abnormal, tak normal, luar biasa: ~ behaviour, kelakuan yg abnormal; ~ children, kanak-kanak tak normal; ~ cost, kos abnormal; ~ return, pulangan abnormal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gasify | vi menjadi gas: liquid oxygen gasifies at normal temperatures, oksigen cecair menjadi gas pd suhu normal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deviation | n 1. difference, change from normal standards of behaviour, penyelewengan/pelencongan/penyimpangan/: a ~ from the normal practice, pelencongan drpd amalan biasa; 2. (tech) sisihan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
course | in the /normal, ordinary/ ~ of events, in the ordinary ~ of nature, dlm keadaan biasa: in the ordinary ~ of events, recovery will take two weeks, dlm keadaan biasa, penyembuhan akan mengambil masa dua minggu; let matters take their ~, biarlah keadaan menentukannya; of ~, sudah tentu; /on, off/ ~, /mengikut, tdk mengikut/ haluan; stay the ~, terus + approp v: the runner was tired after the first kilometer but he stayed the ~, pelari itu keletihan selepas kilometer yg pertama, namun dia terus berlari; /take, run/ its ~, (of illness) sembuh sendiri; the law must take its ~, proses undang-undang akan menentukannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
high | 4. above normal, a. (gen) tinggi: ~ blood pressure, tekanan darah tinggi; ~ cost of living, kos sara hidup yg tinggi; ~ interest rates, kadar faedah yg tinggi; a person of ~ calibre, seorang yg berkaliber tinggi; ~ price, harga tinggi; b. (of fever) kuat, panas; c. (of wind) kencang, kuat; 5. important, powerful, tinggi; (of society) atasan: ~ office, jawatan tinggi; a ~ official, pegawai tinggi; a ~ - level conference, persidangan peringkat tinggi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extra | adj more than is normal, arranged, expected or necessary, [n] tambahan, lebih [adj], [v] lebih: there will be ~ trains during the holiday period, akan diadakan perkhidmatan kereta api tambahan dlm musim percutian nanti; we need ~ glasses for the party, kita memerlukan gelas tambahan utk majlis itu; he received an ~ payment at the end of the year, dia menerima bayaran tambahan pd hujung tahun tersebut; add some bleach for that ~ whiteness, tambah sedikit peluntur utk lebih putih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first | at ~ sight the village appeared quite normal, sekali pandang, kampung itu kelihatan spt biasa; b. at first meeting, pd pandangan pertama: I disliked him at ~ sight, saya membencinya pd pandangan pertama; they fell in love at ~ sight, mereka jatuh cinta pd pandangan pertama; love at ~ sight, cinta pandang pertama; come ~, a. also come in ~, win the race, mendapat tempat pertama; (colloq) mendapat nombor satu: the Australian yacht came in ~, kapal layar Australia mendapat tempat pertama; b. receive priority, didahulukan, diutamakan: with him money always comes ~, bagi dia, wang selalu diutamakan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disturb | vt 1. change normal place or condition of, (act.) mengusik; (pass.) terusik: the furniture hadn’t been ~ed during the robbery, perabot tdk terusik dlm rompakan itu; 2. interfere with, break in upon, mengganggu: a loud noise ~ed the silence of the night, bunyi yg kuat telah mengganggu kesepian malam; ~ the peace, mengganggu ketenteraman; talk quietly so as not to ~ the sleeping child, bercakaplah dgn perlahan supaya tdk mengganggu kanak-kanak yg sedang tidur itu; 3. worry, membimbangkan: his inclination towards socialism ~ed us, kecenderungannya ke arah sosialisme membimbangkan kami; 4. inconvenience, menyusahkan: do not ~ yourself to make drinks for us, jangan menyusahkan diri membuat minuman utk kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inordinate | adj (fml) 1. exceeding normal limits, terlalu, terlampau: he admitted to driving at an ~ speed, dia mengaku bahawa dia memandu terlalu laju; she spends an ~ length of time in front of the mirror, dia menghabiskan masa yg terlalu lama di hadapan cermin; 2. immoderate, not properly restrained, keterlaluan, melampau-lampau: he could not keep up with her ~ demands, dia tdk terkejar utk memenuhi tuntutan gadis itu yg keterlaluan; ~ passion, nafsu yg keterlaluan; 3. extreme, amat sangat: the thought of the wedding gave her ~ pleasure, apabila terfikir ttg majlis perkahwinan itu dia berasa gembira amat sangat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
find | 8. discover (so. or st in normal location), (act.) mendapati; (pass.) didapati, terdapat: you can ~ a number of museums in Leiden, kita boleh mendapati beberapa muzium di Leiden; the orang utan is found only in Sumatra and Borneo, orang hutan hanya terdapat di Sumatera dan Borneo; 9. feel, experience, merasai: Dorothy found not the slightest pleasure in his company, Dorothy tdk merasai keseronokan sedikit pun semasa bersama-samanya; the general could only ~ comfort in the knowledge that the enemy was also suffering from the bad weather, jeneral itu hanya dapat merasai kesenangan hati krn mengetahui pihak musuh juga menderita akibat cuaca buruk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |