typewritten | adj bertaip: ~ notes, nota-nota bertaip. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mixed | (pass.) bercampur aduk: all my notes have got ~ed up, semua nota-nota saya telah bercampur aduk; /be, get/ ~ed up in st, terlibat dgn sst: I don’t like being ~ed up in such a business, saya tdk suka terlibat dgn hal yg sedemiki | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
note | n 1. (in pl) things written briefly to aid the memory, catatan, nota: he spoke without ~s, dia berucap tanpa catatan; lecture ~s, nota kuliah; explanatory ~s, nota-nota keterangan; /make, take/ ~s, /mengambil, membuat /catatan, membuat nota: she made ~s in the margin of her text, dia membuat catatan di ruang tepi teksnya; 2. short letter, nota: she left me a ~ saying that she’ll drop in later, dia meninggalkan nota bahawa dia akan singgah kemudian; a thank-you ~, nota terima kasih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
take | c. put st in writing, mencatat sst: will you ~ down my address?, boleh kamu catat alamat saya; the notes were ~n down in shorthand, nota-nota itu dicatat dlm trengkas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
write | ~ st up, a. write st (again) in a complete form, menulis /semula, balik/ sst: I haven’t written up my lecture notes yet, saya belum lagi menulis semula nota-nota kuliah saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crutch | n 1. staff with underarm support, topang ketiak: a pair of ~es, sepasang topang ketiak; 2. so. or st a. (that helps) membantu: these notes are a ~ to the memory, nota-nota ini membantu ingatan; b. (that supports, props) tunjang: free enterprise, the ~ of capitalism, perusahaan bebas, tunjang kapitalisme; 3. see CROTCH (senses 1. & 2.). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
run | ~ over, a. overflow, melimpah: the water ran over onto the floor, air melimpah ke lantai itu; b. pay a short visit, menengok, menjengah, menjenguk: I just want to ~ over to my mother’s for a minute, saya hendak menengok ibu saya sebentar; ~ over so., (act.) menggelek; (pass.) kena gelek, digelek: he was ~ed over and killed, dia kena gelek dan terbunuh; ~ over st, a. read st through quickly, membaca sst sekali lalu: I’d like to ~ over my notes again before the exam, saya hendak membaca nota-nota saya sekali lalu sebelum peperiksaan itu; b. rehearse st, berlatih + approp v: let’s ~ over the song once more, mari kita berlatih menyanyi lagu itu sekali lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
play | tetapi bekerjalah betul-betul; ~ (music) at sight, bermain muzik dgn melihat nota: by the time she was six, she was already ~ing at sight, apabila mencapai usia enam tahun, dia sudah pun pandai bermain muzik dgn melihat nota; what so. is ~ing at, apa yg sso buat: What are you ~ing at? You cannot change your mind at this late stage!, Apa yg kamu buat? Kamu tdk boleh lagi mengubah fikiranmu krn sudah terlewat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
footnote | n nota kaki. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
promissory note | nnota janji. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |