hair’s breadth | n hampir-hampir; (adversely) nyaris-nyaris: she lost the race by a ~, dia hampir-hampir menang dlm perlumbaan itu; the beam missed him by a ~, alang itu nyaris-nyaris menimpanya; to escape by a ~, nyaris-nyaris tdk dapat lari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
almost | c. (rel to condition, situation, action) hampir(-hampir); (rel to adverse situation) nyaris(-nyaris), hampir(-hampir), cemas-cemas: he is ~ bankrupt, dia hampir-hampir bankrap; he was ~ knocked down by a car, dia nyaris-nyaris dilanggar kereta; she ~ blurted out the secret, dia nyaris-nyaris membocorkan rahsia itu; d. what would essentially approximate, (usu with negative) boleh dikatakan: during that one hour she said ~ nothing, selama satu jam itu, dia boleh dikatakan tdk berkata sepatah pun; they ~ always fail agree, mereka boleh dikatakan tdk pernah bersetuju; an ~ watertight argument, suatu alasan yg boleh dikatakan tdk dapat disangkal lagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ace | within an ~ of, hampir-hampir; (st unfavourable ) hampir-hampir, nyaris-nyaris: within an ~ of victory , hampir-hampir berjaya; within an ~ of collapse , nyaris-nyaris musnah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | b. almost, be very near, hampir-hampir; (to adverse situation) hampir-hampir, nyaris-nyaris, cemas-cemas: she came close to losing her job, dia nyaris-nyaris dibuang kerja; ~ it (too, a bit, rather) strong, (colloq) keterlaluan; walau apa pun yg terjadi; as [adj] as they ~, betul-betul [adj]; have it coming, (colloq) memang patutlah begitu; how /bv (that), fasal apa; not know whether one is coming or going, benar-benar bingung; to ~, akan datang: in the years to ~, dlm tahun-tahun akan datang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
close | ~ - cropped, /digunting, dipotong/ pendek; ~ - set, rapat: ~ - set eyes, mata rapat; a ~ /shave, call, thing/, nyaris-nyaris + approp v : he survived the operation, but it was a ~ shave, dia selamat menjalani pembedahan walaupun dia nyaris-nyaris mati; ~ to so’s heart, sangat diminati sso: wild life preservation is a subject ~ to her heart, pemeliharaan hidupan liar adalah perkara yg sangat diminatinya; at ~ quarters, dr dekat, dekat-dekat: she was even more beautiful at ~ quarters, malah dia kelihatan lebih cantik dr dekat; in ~ proximity, dekat-dekat, rapat-rapat: they were sitting in ~ proximity, mereka duduk rapat-rapat; /keep, lie/ ~, bersembunyi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inch | within an ~ of, hampir(-hampir), sedikit lagi; (st that results in harm, injury, etc) nyaris(-nyaris), cemas(-cemas), hampir(-hampir): he came within an ~ of beating the champion, dia hampir-hampir dapat mengalahkan juara itu; she came within an ~ of being struck by a falling branch, dia nyaris-nyaris ditimpa dahan yg patah itu; be within an ~ of death, nyaris maut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inch | ~ by ~, sedikit demi sedikit: the army moved ~ by ~ further into enemy territory, pasukan tentera itu mara sedikit demi sedikit ke dlm awasan musuh; by ~es, only just, nyaris (-nyaris), cemas(-cemas), hampir(-hampir): the bullet missed him by ~es, peluru itu nyaris-nyaris terkena padanya; every ~, a. in all respects, benar-benar, betul-betul: she is every ~ a lady, dia benar-benar wanita yg bersopan; b. entirely, setiap inci: he nows every ~ of the road, dia tahu setiap inci jalan itu; c. the whole distance, sepanjang: they had to fight every ~ of the way, mereka terpaksa berlawan sepanjang jalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | f. (nearly) escape injury, terselamat: her brother nearly died but she got off with only a few bruises, abangnya nyaris-nyaris mati tetapi dia terselamat dan hanya luka sedikit; looking at the wreckage everyone was surprised that the lorry driver got off unscathed, melihatkan keadaan kenderaan yg remuk, semua orang hairan drebar lori itu terselamat dan tdk cedera sedikit pun; g. finish work, habis bekerja, kerja [sso] habis: the machine operators do not ~ off until 5.30, operator mesin hanya habis bekerja pd pukul 5.30; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
great | adj 1. big in size, extent, etc, (sangat) besar: this ~ lump of rock just missed my head, batu yg besar ini nyaris-nyaris mengenai kepala saya; a ~ gathering of all the clans takes place every year, perhimpunan yg besar suku-suku kaum diadakan setiap tahun; there has been a ~ change in him lately, terdapat perubahan yg besar pd dirinya akhir-akhir ini; a ~ contribution to the world of science, sumbangan yg sangat besar kpd dunia sains; drug addiction is a ~ problem, penagihan dadah ialah satu masalah yg sangat besar; the ~ majority of, sejumlah besar: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
escape | vt 1. a. avoid, mengelakkan diri, mengelak drpd: they left for the country to ~ the crowds, mereka pergi ke desa utk mengelakkan diri drpd orang ramai; he dived into a creek to ~ being burnt to death, dia terjun ke dlm caruk utk mengelakkan diri drpd mati terbakar; she was thankful to ~ the responsibility of looking after the children, dia bersyukur krn dapat mengelak drpd menjaga kanak-kanak itu; ~ death, terselamat drpd maut; narrowly ~, nyaris(-nyaris), cemas-cemas, hampir(-hampir): we narrowly ~d being drowned when our boat capsized, kami nyaris-nyaris mati tenggelam semasa bot kami terbalik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |