gracious | (good, goodness) ~, ~ me, (colloq & old-fashioned), (expressing surprise, interest) oh; (expressing agreement or disagreement) eh, o, oh: “He married a girl half his age” “Good ~! I didn’t know that!”, “Dia mengahwini gadis yg berumur separuh umurnya” “Oh! Saya tak tahu pun!”; “You want me to go with you?” “Good ~, no”, “Kamu mahu saya menemani kamu?” “Oh, tidak”. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exclamation | n 1. word expressing sudden strong feeling, kata seru: “Ah” and “Oh” are ~s, “Ah” dan “Oh” ialah kata seru; 2. words, sentence expressing sudden strong feeling, seruan: “Good grief” is also an ~, “Good grief” juga seruan; with an ~, sambil berteriak: they read the letter with ~s of joy, mereka membaca surat itu sambil berteriak kegembiraan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dear | interj ; oh ~, D~, ~, D~ me, Alamak!; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heave ho | interj tarik, oh tarik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incidentally | adv 1. by chance, secara kebetulan: the subject was ~ mentioned during the conversation, perkara itu disentuh secara kebetulan semasa perbualan tersebut; 2. by the way, oh ya: ~, don’t forget to bring the book, oh ya, jangan lupa bawa buku itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heck | n (colloq & euphem) alamak: oh ~! I forgot the keys again, alamak! Aku terlupa lagi kunci; a ~ of a, betul: you've been gone a ~ of a long time, lama betul kamu pergi; what the ~, (indic that one does not care) peduli apa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ho | interj 1. (indic surprise, joy, etc) oh; 2. (to attract attention) oi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
by | ~ and ~, (old fashioned), (later on) nanti; (a little later in time) tdk lama kemudian: we shall meet again ~ and ~, kita akan berjumpa lagi nanti; ~ and ~ they came to a house, tdk lama kemudian, mereka sampai di sebuah rumah; ~ and large, pd dasarnya; ~ the ~(e), ~ the way, oh ya, ~ the ~, have you seen my father?, oh ya! Ada tdk kamu nampak bapa saya?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cry | ~ for the moon, mengharapkan bulan jatuh ke riba; ~ o’s /heart, eyes/ out, menangis; for ~ing out loud, (colloq), [various translations]: for ~ing out loud, what’s all this commotion about?, eh kenapa ni? Apa yg sibuk-sibuk ni?; for ~ing out loud, stop worrying, oh Tuhan, janganlah risau; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
god | G~ damn you, haram jadah, celaka kamu; G~ help so., Tuhan melindungi sso; G~’s gift to women, jantan nombor satu di dunia: he thinks he is G~’s gift to women, dia fikir dia jantan nombor satu di dunia; G~ willing, jika dizinkan Tuhan; (in Islam) Insya-Allah, jika diizinkan Allah; by G~, (colloq) Ya Tuhan, Ya Rabbi; for G~’s sake, tolonglah; good G~, my G~, oh G~, G~ in Heaven, Ya Tuhan; (in Islam) Ya Allah, Ya Rabbi; /how, what, why/ in G~’s name, [not translated]: why in G~’s name didn’t you go to the police?, kenapalah kamu tdk pergi pd polis?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |